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Trouver un correspondant > magician :
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Date d'inscription : dimanche 02 septembre 2012 à 02:53

Sexe : masculin (35 ans)

Pays : Egypte Egypte/Egypt
(Voir sur une carte)

J'accepte de pouvoir être contacté par les autres membres.

Texte de présentation :
' I'm a person who enjoys meeting new different kinds of people at all times. I love to socialize and embrace life. I believe passion is probably one of the most important dimensions of human composition-dreams and aspirations that keeps us going. I'm honest, forgiving and love to laugh. It would be nice to meet someone who wants to learn new hobbies and interest from each other. I have an amazing life and want to share it with others. I'm happy and secure , love being involved in a wide variety of activities. I know how to balance work and adventure. I love trying new activities. I love the most is walking on the beach watching the sunset. My friends know me as responsible and fun loving person who has a great sense of humor. I am a positive person and look at life's challenges as lessons from which we can grow and become stronger.'

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