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Message de babyscot59 posté le 2004-11-22 08:57:45 (S | E | F | I)
voici un petit texte de version de Lucile, bon courage à tous!!

Le jour où mourut Kennedy

La semaine dernière, dans la brièveté soudaine et terrible d’une convulsion de l’histoire, le majestueux fardeau de la Présidence des Etats Unis est passé d’un homme à un autre. En un moment déchirant, John F. Kennedy a été fauché dans sa 47eme année par la balle d’un assassin, à Dallas, Texas. On a peine à croire qu’il ait suffi de 30 minutes pour que cet homme jeune, bronzé, sain et vigoureux – le plus jeune Président jamais élu – ait cessé de vivre.

Le désordre des événements fut accablant et incompréhensible, surtout au milieu de toutes les incertitudes de ce « monde dangereux et troublé » que J.F.Kennedy avait diagnostiquées juste huit jours avant sa mort et qu’il léguait maintenant à son successeur. En cet âge de communications instantanées, la nouvelle de la fusillade traversa le pays comme une onde de choc. Pendant 30 minutes angoissantes, un nombre sans précédent d’Américains se tint aux écoutes, attendit, puis participa à la veillée funèbre.

Puis une fois de plus fut démontrée la continuité remarquable de la plus vieille des républiques constitutionnelles. Pour la huitième fois, un Président était mort en fonctions…quatre d’entre eux de la main d’un assassin. Mais 107 minutes après la mort de M. Kennedy, l’acte rituel de la succession était accompli. M.Kennedy avait frôlé la mort auparavant. Comme tous les présidents, il avait été menacé d’innombrables fois….870 fois par lettre au cours de la seule première année…Un jour, quelque temps avant, après une difficile opération du dos, les derniers sacrements de sa religion lui avaient été administrés. Et bien des années plus tôt, lorsqu’un destroyer japonais avait coupé en deux son fragile PT – 109, il avait dit : »voici ce que l’on ressent quand on est tué ».

Néanmoins, pendant la dernière semaine de sa vie, seul semblait le préoccuper l’avenir de sa carrière politique. Et il était, comme toujours, insoucieux de sa propre sécurité. A 11h37, l’avion à réaction du Président se posa à l’aéroport de Dallas. Lui et Mme Kennedy échangèrent des poignées de main avec la foule massée derrière les barrières et qui les acclamait. Puis ils se glissèrent sur les sièges arrière de la limousine présidentielle, M. Kennedy à droite, sa femme à ses côtés. Le Gouverneur Connally et sa femme prirent les sièges strapontins. Le Président se tint debout et salua de la main pendant la traversée de la ville. Puis comme le cortège motorisé roulait vers une zone industrielle, il se rassit et bavarda gaiement avec les Connally. Soudain un coup de fusil déchira l’air. Deux autres détonations suivirent. Le Président des Etats Unis apparemment atteint de face chancela sur son siège. « J’ai pensé que c’était une pétarade de moteur » déclara J.M. Chaney, policier de Dallas, qui était en moto à 6 pieds de l’aile droite de la voiture du Président. « La t^te du Président fut projetée de côté…..Puis vint le deuxième coup de feu et sa t^te éclata en sang… ». En se retournant pour voir, le gouverneur Connally reçut la troisième balle juste sous l’omoplate droite. Elle sortit en lui traversant la poitrine, lui transperça le poignet, et se logea dans sa cuisse gauche. En se retournant il avait échappé à la mort…. »Oh non, Oh non « criait sans cesse Jacqueline Kennedy, se jetant sur le corps de son mari pour le protéger. L’agent des services secrets Clint Hill bondit du marchepied qu’il occupait à la hauteur de l’aile arrière gauche et tomba sur eux deux. A l’avant un agent bondit, s’empara du radiotéléphone et appela la police qui roulait en tête : « Direction le plus proche hôpital ».

Et tout autour ce fut le chaos. Les gens hurlaient, pleuraient et se jetaient à terre. Le chauffeur du Président démarra et fonça vers l’hôpital Parkland éloigné de 5,2 km. Le Président était étendu, inconscient, sur le dos quand la voiture se rangea. Mme Kennedy aida les agents et les infirmiers de l’hôpital à mettre le Président sur une civière. Les premiers médecins qui l’aperçurent surent qu’il était déjà trop tard. « Médicalement parlant » dit l’un d’eux qui vit le Président entrer, « il est mort quand il a été atteint, sa blessure était mortelle ».

Néanmoins environ dix médecins se mirent au travail dans la salle des urgences pour essayer de rappeler le Président à la vie. « J’ai pensé en moi-même qu’il était beaucoup plus grand qu’en photo » dit l’un des docteurs, « ma seconde pensée fut que c’était là l’homme le plus important du monde. Ensuite je fus trop occupé pour penser ». A 12h 57, 27 minutes après la fusillade, deux prêtres catholiques de Dallas furent appelés au chevet du Président.

Les journalistes s’entassèrent dans une salle de cours des infirmières, dans l’attente d’un communiqué officiel.A 13h 33, Malcolm Kilduff, adjoint de l’attaché de presse de la Maison Blanche, pénétra dans la salle, une feuille de papier à la main. Les yeux rouges et la voix tremblante, il lut : « Le Président John F. Kennedy est mort vers 13 heures environ, ici à Dallas. Il est mort d’une blessure au cerveau causée par une arme à feu ».

Edité par bridg le 22-11-2004 18:35

Réponse: re:exos Capes version de cocoon, postée le 2004-11-22 14:28:39 (S | E)
C'est le deuxième paragraphe que j'ai traduit, le premier il nous a été proposé par lucile dans "High Level".

The confusion of the events was overwhelming and incomprehensible, especially amidst all the uncertainties of this "dangerous and confused world" that J.F.K. had diagnosed only eight days before his death and that he now handed down to his successor. In this instantaneous communications age, the news of the rifle fire went across the country as a shock wave (Bof bof). During these distressing 30 minutes, an unprecedented number of American people was listening, waited, and then participated to the vigil (re Bof bof).

Then the remarkable continuity of the oldest constitutional republic was proved once more.For the eighth time, a president was killed in office...four of them by a killer's hand. But 107 minutes after the death of JFK, the ritual act of succession was accomplished. Mr.K came close to death before.He has been threatened many times, like all the other presidents... 807 times during the sole first year. One day, some time before, after a difficult operation of his back, he had been given the last sacrament of his religion.
And some years before, when a Japaense destroyer cut his fragile PT109, he said: "here is what you feel when you are killed".

However,during the last week before his death, the only thing which seemed to preoccupy him was the future of his political career. And he was, as always, heedless of his own security. At 11.37 a.m., the President's jet landed in Dallas' airport. He and Mrs. Kennedy exchanged handshakes with the crowd which massed behind the barriers and which acclaimed them. Then they creeped on the backseats of the Presidential limousine , Mr. Kennedy on the right seat, his wife by his side. Governor Connally and his wife took the tipup seats. The President stood up and waved his had during the crossing of the town.Then, as the motorcade was driving toward an industrial zone, he sat down again and had a cheerful talk with the Connallies. A shot suddenly splitted the air. Followed by two other bangs. Apparently hit on the face, the Unitetd States' President staggered on his seat. « I thought it was a motor backfiring » J.M.Chaney, a policeman in Dallas who was on his motorbike six feet far from the right wing of the President's car said. « The President's head was thrown on one side…..Then the second shot followed and his head blown up into blood… ». By looking back to see, Governor Connally was shot by the third bullet under the right shoulder blade. It went out through his chest, pierced through his wrist, and the bullet lodged itself in his left thigh. By lokking back he survived. »Oh no, Oh no « Jacqueline Kennedy cried unceasingly, falling on her husband's body to protect him. Clint Hill, the secret services' agent pounced from the back leftwing's runningboard on which he was on both of them. An agent pounced forward, took the radiotelephone et called the police which was driving forward: « To the nearest hospital ».

Chaos was everywhere. People screamed, cried and fell down the floor. The President's driver started and rushed to the Parkland Hospital which was 5.2 kilometers far. The President was lying unconscious when the car pulled in to the side. Mrs Kennedy helped the agents and the nurses of the hospital to lay the President down the stretcher. The first doctors who saw him already knew that it was too late. « Medically speaking » one of those who saw the President enter said, « he died when he was shot, it was a mortal injury ».

Yet, about ten doctors started to work in the emergency ward, trying to brind the President back to life. « I told myself that he was taller than he seemed to be on the photographs » one of the doctors said, « my second thought was that he was the most important man of the world. And then I was too occupied to think ». At 12.57 o'clock, 27 minutes after the rifle fire, two catholic priests from Dallas were called at the President's bedside.

Journalists crowded together in a nurse's classroom, waiting for an official communiqué.At 1.33 p.m, Malcolm Kilduff, the assistant of the press officer of the White House entered the room, a sheet of paper in his hand. With red eyes and a shaking voice, he read: « The President John F. Kennedy died around 1.00 p.m., here in Dallas. He died of a brain wound caused by a fire gun.

Ouais!!!!!!!Youpiii!J'ai fini!!! Quel soulagement!

Edité par bridg le 25-11-2004 16:20
cocoon, j'ai réuni l'intégralité de ta traduction à ta demande et mise en page refaite

Réponse: re:exos Capes version de sixa, postée le 2004-11-22 17:01:37 (S | E)

Après avoir traduit la premier partie " chez Lucile"...
voic ma version (très personnelle....) du deuxième paragraphe, la suite tard, bien plus tard sans doute...

The disorder of events was ov erwhelming and incomprehensible, principally at the middle all uncertainty of this dangerous and disordered world that J.F.KENNEDY had diagnosed just eight days before his dead, and the he bequeathed now at his sucessor.
In this age of intantaneous communications, the new of rifle-fire traversed the country same a chock wave. During thirty minutes alarming a number without preceding Americans people eavesdroped, waited then participated at the funeral night nursing.

La suite plus tard....
a +

Réponse: re:exos Capes version de lucile83, postée le 2004-11-22 18:25:17 (S | E)
Alors Baby !!! je sais c'est lundi, on est encore un peu endormi mais c'est un thème, pas une version !!

j'avais donné le 1er paragraphe à traduire dans "high level" pour mettre en appétit; je vous laisse donc tous bien travailler sur ce petit texte sympa, et enverrai le corrigé ( le texte original) plus tard, quand le stock d'aspirine en France aura diminué................

See you soon

ps; je donne le corrigé du 1er paragraphe dans "high level", la suite se passera ici.

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de jammy, postée le 2004-11-23 00:43:32 (S | E)
Mais vous êtes fous!!!! Comment je vais pouvoir tout traduire ... Je vois que vous avez mis le paquet!!! Je vais le faire petit à petit
Merci babyscot etlucile ...

Ps: pour le moment 100% des textes donnés au CAPES externe sont des textes littéraires... Ce sera pour la prochaîne fois. A bientôt!
et merci encore

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de lucile83, postée le 2004-11-23 06:48:37 (S | E)
Il est bien évident que vous pouvez traduire ce texte petit à petit, en prenant tout votre temps.

See you soon

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-11-23 09:32:51 (S | E)
moi il me reste 10 lignes, ca va c'est moins rouillé que je le craignais mais ca fait vraiment du bien!!

Merci Lucile

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de tounette, postée le 2004-11-23 13:33:35 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile,

et un grand merci pour ton commentaire concernant ma traduction du 1er paragraphe, cela m'encourage à oser malgré la difficulté à m'attaquer petit à petit à la suite.

The confusion of the events was proof and incomprehensible particulalry in the midst of all the incertitudes of this "dangereous and disturbed world" that JFK had diagnosed eight days just before he died and that he bequeathed now to his successor.
In this instantaneous communications period the news of the rifle fire throughed the country like a wave (or as a shock wave ?)
During 3o minutes, an unpresecedented number of Americans listened in, waited, then participated in the funeral ceremony

la suite, demain .... si vous le voulez bien!!!

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de tounette, postée le 2004-11-23 16:56:31 (S | E)
je me "pique" au jeu de la traduction et je n'attends pas demain comme annoncé ! voici la suite

Then, once again, the wonderful (or remarkable) continuity of the oldest constitutional republic was showed. For the eighth time, a President died in action... for of their number by a killer's hand. But 1O7 minutes after de death of Kennedy the ritual act of succession was realised
Mr Kennedynvery nearly died before . As all the presidents he has been threatened many times...87O time by letter during the first year only. Some time before, after a difficult surgical operation of the back, he received the last Sacrements. More years earlier, when a japonese ship had broken his light PT-109 in two, he sais : " here is what one feel when one is killed "

Journée laborieuse . Je vais me reposer !! A bientôt

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-11-23 17:06:08 (S | E)
Hello Lucile, j'en suis à la moitié, ça avance

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de marie37400, postée le 2004-11-23 21:28:53 (S | E)
Bonsoir à tous et toutes,
Je n'ai pas pu résister à envoyer mon travail ce soir :
Second paragraph :
The disorder of the events was overwhelming and incomprehensible, above all among of all the uncertainties of this "troubled and dangerous world" that J.F Kennedy had diagnosed just eight days before he died and that he now handed down to his successor. At this time of instantaneous communications, the news of the gunfire went through the country as a shock wave. For 30 alarming minutes, an unprecedented number of Americans stayed tuned in, waited, then
took part in the wake.
See you tomorrow,

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de kayrol, postée le 2004-11-24 00:14:12 (S | E)
Hello Babyscott, hello Lucile,
Ce fut long mais c'est terminé. J'ai tout fait ce soir, et il est tard alors j'epsère que je n'ai pas fait trop de bêtises vers la me relirai demain, je vais dormir..merci pour l'exercice..Il n'y a pas d'étoiles mais je crois que là on explose le nombre...
"The disorder caused by the events was overwhelming and incomprehensible, especially among all these uncertainties of this « hazardous and troubled world » JF Kennedy had diagnosed only eight days before dying, uncertainties he was now handing down to his successor.
In this time of instantaneous communications, the news of the shooting came through the country as a shockwave. During thirty harrowing minutes, an unprecedented number of American people remained attentive to the news, waited, and took part in the death-watch.
Then once again the remarkable continuation of the oldest of Constitutional Republics was demonstrated. This was the eighth time a President died while in office…four of them from a murderer’s hand. But one hundred and seven minutes after Mr Kennedy died, the ritual act of succession was carried out. Mr Kennedy had already come within an ace of death. As every President, he had been threatened some countless times…eight hundred and seventy times by postmail during his only first year in office…One day, a few time ago, after a heavy operation of his back, he had been given the last rites of his religion. And many years before, when a Japanese destroyer had cut his fragile PT-109 into two parts, he had said : « here is what you can feel when you’re killed ».
Nevertheless, during the last week of his life, he seemed to be concerned only with the future of his political career. And, as usual, he was not concerned with his own safety. At eleven thirty-seven (o’clock), the President’s jet landed at Dallas airport. He and Mrs Kennedy shaked hands with the acclaiming crowd which was massed behind the gates. Then they slipped on the backseats of the presidential limousine, Mr Kennedy on the right side with his wife next to him. Governor Connally and his wife took the jump seats. The President stood up and waved his hand while going through the town. Then, as the motorised cortège was driving towards an industrial area, he sat down and chatted cheerfully with the Connalies. All of a sudden a rifle shot rent the air. Two other bangs followed.
Apparently hit in the front, the President of the United States tottered on his seat. « I thought that was a backfire from the engine » declared JM Chaney, a policeman in Dallas, who was on a motorcycle six feet far from the right wing of the President’s car . “The President’s head was side-hurled…then there was the second shot and his head burst into blood…” When turning round to see, Governor Connally was shot by the third bullet just under his right shoulder blade. The bullet went out going through his chest, then went through his wrist, to finish its way in his left thigh. By turning round, he had escaped death… “Oh no, oh no” Jacqueline Kennedy continuously cried, throwing herself at her husband’s body to protect him. Secret agent Clint Hill jumped down from the left back-wing running board and fell onto both of them. At the front, an agent dashed to them, took the radiotelephone and called the police who was driving in the lead : “To the closest hospital !”.
And all around them there was the chaos. People were yelling, crying and threw themselves down on the ground. The President’s driver moved off and hammered along to Parkland Hospital which was five point two kilometers far. The President was lying unconscious on his back when the car parked. Mrs Kennedy helped the agents and nurses from the hospital to put the President on a stretcher. The first doctors who saw him knew it was already too late. “Medically speaking” one of them who saw the President come in said, « he died when he was shot, his wound was lethal”.
Nevertheless, about ten doctors got down to work in the emergency room to try and bring the President back to life. “I thought in myself he was much taller there than on the photos » one doctor said, « my second thought was that he was the most important man in the world. Then I was too much busy to think.” At twelve fifty-seven, twenty seven minutes after the shooting, two catholic priests from Dallas were called at the President bedside.
The journalists crammed into a nurses’ classroom, awaiting an official communiqué. At thirteen thirty-three, Malcom Kilduff, the White House press-attaché assistant, came into the room with a paper-sheet in his hand. With his eyes red and a trembling voice, he read : “President John F. Kennedy died around thirteen o’clock, here in Dallas. He died from a wound in the brain caused by a fire gun.”
Ouuuuuf !

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de dandoun, postée le 2004-11-24 03:26:22 (S | E)

The disorder caused by the events was overwhelming and incomprehensible, especially in the midddle of all these incertitude of this « hazardous and troubled world » J.F. Kennedy had diagnosed only 8 days before dying, and he was now handing down to his successor.In this time of instantaneous communications, the news of the shooting came through the country as a shock wave. During 30 anguishing minutes, an unprecedented number of American people was listening, waited, and participated in the wake.

Then once again the remarkable continuation of the oldest of Constitutional Republics was demonstrated. For the eighth time a President was murdered while in office… four of them from a murderer’s hand. But 107 minutes after Mr Kennedy's death, the ritual act of succession was achieved. Mr Kennedy had already come close to death. As every President, he had been threatened with uncountable times… 870 times by postmail during his only first year in office… One day, a few time ago, after a serious operation of his back, he had been given the last rites of his religion. And many years before, when a Japanese destroyer cut his fragile PT-109 into two parts, he said : « here is what you can feel when you’re killed ».

Nevertheless, during the last week of his life, he seemed to be preoccupied only with his political career. And, as usual, he was not concerned with his own safety. At 11:37 A.M.,the President’s jet landed at Dallas airport. He and Mrs Kennedy exchanged shaked hands with the acclaiming crowd which was massed behind the gates. Then they skipped on the back seats of the presidential limousine, Mr Kennedy on the right side with his wife beside him.The Governor Connally and his wife took the foldaway seats. The President stood up and saluted with his hand while going through the town. Then, as the motorised cortège was driving towards an industrial area, he sat down and chatted cheerfully with the Connalies. suddenly a gunshot tore the air. Two other bangs followed.The President of the United States apparently attained the front tottered of his seat. « I thought that it was a backfire from the engine .» declared JM Chaney, a policeman in Dallas, who was on a motorcycle six feet far from the President’s car right wing. “The President’s head was sideways...Then came the second shot and his head burst into blood…” By turning round to see, Governor Connally was shot by the third bullet just under his right shoulder blade. The bullet went out going through his chest, then went through his wrist, to finish its way in his left thigh. By turning around, he had escaped death… “Oh no, oh no” Jacqueline Kennedy continuously shouted,throwing herself at her husband’s body to protect him. Secret agent Clint Hill jumped down from the left wing and fell onto both of them. At the front, an agent skipped out to them, took over the radiotelephone and called the police who was driving in the lead : “To the nearest hospital”.

The chaos was all around them.People screamed,cried and threw themselves on the ground.The driver president's started and sank towards the Parkland hospital which was 5,2 km far.The president was extended,unconscious,on the back when the car lined up.Mrs Kennedy helped the agents and nurses of the hospital to put the president on a stretcher.The first doctors who saw it knew that it was already too late."Medically speaking" said one of them who saw the president entered "he died when he was reached, his wound was mortal".

Je continue:

Nevertheless approximately 10 doctors started to work in the emergency ward to try to point out the president's life " I thought in myself which it was much larger than in photograph " one of the doctors said, "my second thought was that the most significant man of the world was there.Then I was too occupied to think".At 12h57,27 minutes after the shooting, 2 catholic priests of Dallas were called at the president bedside.

The journalists piled up in a nurses'room waiting for an official statement.At 13h33, Malcolm Kilduff ,the White House press assistant,came into the room,with a sheet of paper in his hand.He declared with his red eyes and a trembling voice that "the president John F Kennedy died around 1 P.m. here in Dallas.He died from a wound to the brain caused by a firearm.


Edité par dandoun le 2004-11-26 02:20:06

Edité par dandoun le 2004-11-29 01:34:38

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de sixa, postée le 2004-11-24 09:01:10 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici mon deuxième paragraphe....

Then, one more time was demonstrated the remarkable continuity of the oldest constitutional republic. For the aighth time, one president was deaded in fonction... Four of their number on account of hand of murderer. But 107 minute after the dead of Mr KENNEDY, the ritual deed of sucession was accomplished.
Mr KENNEDY had very nearly died before. As like all President, he had been menaced innumerable time...870 time of letter at the time of the first year...One day, a few time before, after a difficult operation of back, the last sacrament of his religion had been administred at him. And many year, as soon early then ont japonese destroyer had cutted his fragile P.T 109, he had sayed : Here is are that one feel when one was killed...

Bon je prends une pause...

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-11-24 09:02:57 (S | E)
moi je traine la patte, il me reste 10 lignes

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de tounette, postée le 2004-11-24 10:50:41 (S | E)
Coucou, me revoilà pour le 3ème paragraphe

However, during the last week of his life, only his future politics seemed to take up all his mind.
He was always regardless of his own security. At 11h37, the President's jet landed on Dallas airport. He and Mrs Kennedy shaked hands over the barriers with the crowd which was acclaiming them. They get into the back seat of the presidential limousine, Mr Kennedy on the right, his wife by his side.The governor Connally and his wife took the flap-seats. The President stood and waved all along the crossing of the city.
While the motorized suite was driving towards a zone, he sat down and chatted lively with the Connally's. Suddenly a gun shot rented the air. Two others detonations followed up . Obviously, the President, wounded in the face, dropped on to her seat
"I thought it was a popping back, said JM Chaney a policeman who drove a roadmoto six feet near the right fender of the President'car.
"the President's head failed aside , then the second gun shot came and his head blowed up"
Looking back, the governor Connally received the third bullet just beaneath the right scapula. It came out through the chest, skewered his wrist and planted itself into her left thigh.
Looking back, he get out to the death
Jacqueline Kennedy cried continuosly "oh, no no " falling upon his husband to protect him.
Clint Hill, CIA's agent bounced out from the running board which was at the back left fender level and fell over them. In the front, an agent rushed to the radio and called for the police who was driving ahead " To the nearest hospital"

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de gartin, postée le 2004-11-24 11:48:32 (S | E)
Things are getting more and more complicated for me but I am still trying to cling to

The disorder of the events was overwhelming and incomprehensible, especially owing to incertainties of this "dangerous and murky world" that John F. Kennedy had diagnosed only eight days before his death and that he handed down to his successor. In those days of instantaneous communications, the report of the shooting went through the country like a shock wave. During thirty harrowing minutes, an unprecedented number of Americans were listening to, waited for and then took part in the funeral vigil (or wake).
Then, once again, the outstanding continuity of the oldest constitutional republic was shown. For the eighth time, a president was dead in office... four of them by the hand of a murderer.
But 107 minutes after the John F. Kennedy's death, the succession was performed.

La suite au prochain numéro
See you

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de lucile83, postée le 2004-11-24 15:05:17 (S | E)
Vous faites toutes et tous preuve d'une ténacité extraordinaire !!!!je crois qu'il va falloir agrandir la tente et commander davantage de petits déjeuners !!!
Babyscot, alors !!!!! on se traî tu continues tu dormiras dehors, et pas sous la tente !!!!

See you soon

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de marie37400, postée le 2004-11-24 20:54:34 (S | E)
Hello !
Capes is moving further away...... but I eat more chocolate to keep myself going ! Thus, the next one may be about "D I E T" !!!!!
Third paragraph :
Then, once again, the remarkable continuity of the oldest constitutional Republic was demonstrated. For the eighth time, a President was dead while carrying out his duties.... four of them killed by a murderer. But 107 minutes after that M. Kennedy had died, the ritual act of succeeding was done. M. Kennedy previously had had a brush with death. As all the Presidents, he had benn threatened countless times....870 times by letter within the only first year.... One day, some time before, after a delicate surgery of his back, he had received the last rites of his religion. And a very long time earlier, when a Japanese destroyer had cut his fragile PT-109 in two, he had said : "here is
what one feels when one is killed."

A demain, et merci Lucile, de venir nous encourager !

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-11-25 09:33:11 (S | E)
Voici ma version (le premier paragraphe est déjà rendu)!!:

The chaos was incomprehensive and dramatic, considering the different issues in that troubled and dangerous world that Kennedy had diagnosed the week before he died and that his successor received as a legacy.
In that time of instantaneous communication, the news of JFK's death had spread over the country like a shock wave. An enormous amount of Americans listened to the radio during 30 scary minutes, waited and took part in the death watch.
The amazing continuity of the oldest constitutionnal republic was ,once more, evidenced. For the eighth time, a President died in duty, 4 of them murdered. Yet 107 minutes after JFK's death, the succession ritual had taken place. JFK had already faced death. Like each President, he had been threatened many times, 870 times by mail the first year. One day, before having a back operation, he received the Last Sacraments. A long time before, when a japonese destroyer had cut his frail PT109 into pieces, he said: « that's what one experiences when being killed.
Yet during the last week, he was only worried about his political career. He was always concerned about his own safetty. At 11.37 am, the jet landed in Dallas Airport. He and his wife shook hands with the cheering crowd over the barriers. Then, they sat on the back seats of the presidential limousine, M. kennedy sat on the right and his wife by his side. Governor Connally and his wife sat on the jump seats.
The President stood up and waved at the crowd driving through the city. As the Cortege entered an industrial area, he sat down speaking cheerfully with the Connally's. Suddenly, a riffle shot. 2 others followed next. The President, apparently wounded on the face, tottered. «  I thought It was a backfire », JM Chaney, policeman in Dallas declared . He was on a motorcycle, 6 feets on the right back of the President's car. «  The President's head was sent aside, then a second shot covered his head with bllod ». As he turned to see what was happening, Governor Connaly got a bullet into his right shoulder blade. It crossed his chest, went through his wrist and stopped in his left lap. By himself on himself, he had escaped death.
«  On no, Jackie !kennedy endlessly shouted, sprawling on her husband to protect him. The Secret Service agent Clint Hill jumped from the running board on the left end and fell on them. An agent from the front seat jumped on the radiotelephone and call the police squad at the head of the cortege « To the nearest hospital ». Chaos was overwhelming. People shouted, cried and fell. The President's chauffeur started up and rushed to Parkland hospital, at a distance of 3.5 miles. The president was laying unconscious on the back when the car parked. MrsKennedy helped the agents and the nurses to put the President on a stretcher.
The first doctors who saw him, knew that it was already too late « Medically speaking, one of those who had seen him said, he died as he was shot down, it was a lethal shot »
Yet ten doctors tried to bring ther president back to life in the Emergency Room. «  I figured out that he was much taller than on pictures, one of the doctors said, then I realized he was the most prominent person in the world, then I was too busy to think ». At 12.57 a.m, 27 minutes after the shooting, 2 catholic priests from Dallas were asked to see the President.
The journalists scrambled ina nurse teaching room waiting for an official communiqué. At 1.33 p.m, Malcom Kilduff deputy press attaché entered in the room, a sheet of paper in his hand. His eyes reddend, he we read quavering «  the President JFK died at about 1 p.m,here in Dallas, he died of a brain injury caused by a shot gun.

Réponse: mon Harrap's rend l'âme de bridg, postée le 2004-11-25 12:45:24 (S | E)
Voici le fruit de 4 jours de recherches. Webmaster la location à l'année pour le village de tentes c'est possible ?

The events disorder was overwhelming and incomprehensible, especially with all the dubiousness of this "dangerous and confused world" that J.F .Kennedy had diagnosed only eight days before his death and handed down now to his successor. In this instantaneous communications period, the news of the rifle fire crossed the country as a shock wave. During distressing 30 minutes, an unprecedented number of Americans was listening, waited, and then took part in the vigil
Then once again the remarkable continuity of the oldest constitutional republic was proved. For the eighth time, a president was murdered in office...four of them by an assassin's hand. But 107 minutes after the death of M Kennedy, the ritual act of succession was accomplished. Mr. Kennedy came close to death previously. Like all presidents he had been threatened countless time... 870 times, by letter during the sole first year. One day, some time before, after a serious surgical operation of his back, he had been given the last rites of his religion.
And some years before, when a Japanese destroyer cut his fragile PT109, he said: "here is what you feel when you are killed
Nevertheless, during his last week alive, he only seems preoccupied by his political career. And he often used not to be concerned about his own security. At 11.37 AM, the presidential jet landed at Dallas airport. He and Mrs Kennedy and shook hands with crowd acclaiming him massed behind the barriers, and took a back seat in the presidential limo, Mr Kennedy placed at the left of his wife. Governor Connaly and his wife took the tip-up seats. The President stood up and greeted with his hand while crossing the town. Then, as the motorised cortege was driving towards an industrial area, he sat down and chatted merrily with the Connalys. Suddenly a rifle shot. Two other bangs followed.

The President of the United States apparently wounded in the face staggered on his seat
« I thought it was a backfire from the engine. » declared JM Chaney, a policeman in Dallas who was riding on a motorcycle six feet far from the right wring of the President’s car. “The President’s head was hurled on side … a second shot and his head burst into blood. Turning round to see, Governor Connally was shot by the third bullet just under his right shoulder blade. It went out going through his chest, transfixed through his wrist to finish its way in his left thigh. Turning round he escaped death…” Oh no, oh no “continuously shouted Jacqueline Kennedy being thrown on the body of her husband to protect it. The secret agent Clint Hill leaps of the footboard which he occupied at the level of the left wing and fell on them two.. At the front, an agent got hold of the radiotelephone and called the police who drives at the head “Direction towards the nearest hospital”
And around it was the chaos, People howled, cried and threw themselves to ground, . The driver of the President started and sank towards the Parkland hospital distant from 5,2 km. The President was lying, unconscious, on the back when the car lined up. Mrs. Kennedy helped the agents and the male nurses of the hospital to lye the President on a stretcher. The first doctors who saw him knew that it was already too late.” Medically speaking” said one of us seeing the President arriving," he died when he was shot, its wound was mortal ".
Nevertheless approximately ten doctors started work in the emergency ward to try to bring the president round "I thought in myself which it was much taller than in picture" one of the doctors says, "my second thought was that it was there the most important man of the world. Then I was too occupied to think ". At 12h 57, 27 minutes after the shooting, two catholic priests of Dallas were called at the President bedside.
The journalists piled up in a nurses’ classroom, in waiting of an official statement A 13h 33, Malcolm Kilduff, the White House press attaché assistant , came into the room, a sheet of paper in the hand. Red eyes and the trembling voice, he declared: "the President John F Kennedy died around 1 p.m., here in Dallas. He died of a wound to the brain caused by a firearm".

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-11-25 12:48:28 (S | E)
Dear Bridg, welcome in the " Lost generation Club" a whole life dedicated to our faith, no hobbies, no dates,no clubbing, just work

For the Glory of English

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-11-25 12:55:25 (S | E)
Thank you, if I had illusions, they left

Réponse: remarque de babyscot59, postée le 2004-11-25 14:53:23 (S | E)
en tous cas Bridg pour une épave, ton Harraps semble avoir plus d'entrées que mon Collins!!*

faut mettre un forum sur le meilleur dico!!

Edité par bridg le 25-11-2004 16:16

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de gartin, postée le 2004-11-25 15:22:00 (S | E)
Let's go for another part.
Je suis moins courageuse que certains, je fais cela par petits bouts
PS. Question subsidiaire : s'il y a location de tentes, qui va choisir l'endroit ? Je préfère ma région ou encore plus au sud...

M. Kennedy came within a hair's breadth before. Like every president, he had been threatened on countless occasions -870 letters during the single first year of his mandate... And, recently, after a heavy back surgery he had been given the last sacraments of his religion. And quite a few years ago, when a japanese destroyer had split his fragile PT-109, in two parts, he said : "This is what one feels when one is killed".
Nevertheless, during the last week of his life, he seemed only concerned by his political career. And, he was, as always, unconcerned about his safety. At 11h37, the president's jet landed at Dallas airport. He and Ms Kennedy gave handshakes to the people gathered behind fences, who cheered them. Then, they slipped into back seats of the presidential limousine, M. Kennedy on the right side, his wife beside him. The governor Connally and his wife took jump seats. The president stood and waved hand during the driving through the town.

Voilà pour la bonne partie de l'histoire ! La suite bientôt.
See you

Edité par gartin le 2004-11-25 15:27:32

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-11-25 16:38:09 (S | E)
Hello, je crois que dans les champs vers chez Lucile il y a de la place (plus peut-être que vers chez le webmaster) mais il faut qu'il puisse nous rejoindre pour nous livrer le petit-déjeuner chaque matin et nous faire profiter de ses dernières inovations car rappelons nous que ce n'est pas un camp de vacances mais bien pour épauler Gorgayles et moi même dans la préparation de notre CAPES d'anglais.

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de tounette, postée le 2004-11-25 16:39:24 (S | E)

C'est parti pour la traduction des derniers paragraphes.

All around it was the confusion. People shrilled, cried and threw down themselves. The President's driver started off and rushed towards, Parkland Hospital , 3,5 miles apart. Inconscious,the President was lying on the back when the limousine parked.mRs Kennedy helped agents and the nurses to put the President on a stretcher.
The first doctors who saw him knew it was too late.
One of them said " medically, he died as soon as he was shooted ; it was a mortal wound.
For all that, about ten doctors worked for life bringing the President
One's said "First, I thought on myself he was much taller than on picture, next, that here, there was the most important man in the world. Then, I was too busy for thinking"
At 12h57, 27 minutes after the shooting, two priests of the Dallas 'Catholic Church were called close the President.
Journalists crowed into the nurses's classroom, waiting for official statement.
At 12h33, Malcon kILduff, the White House press agent's assistant entered into the room a paper in his hand. Her eyes were red and with a quavering voice he read : " At about 13 h, the President JF Kennedy
died here, in Dallas , by a firearm wound in the brain "


Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de sixa, postée le 2004-11-25 17:01:23 (S | E)

Si je puis me permettre...
des CAPES, moi j' en ai plein ma penderie et ça me tient chaud l' hiver na.....
Bon je retourne au boulot...

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de tounette, postée le 2004-11-25 17:51:52 (S | E)
Bonsoir Lucile,
Bonsoir à toutes et tous les courageuses (eux)

Mission accomplie ! je suis arrivée au bout de la traduction ! mais le résultat reste à voir !!

Merci Lucile ! cet exercice fut difficile mais il m'a appris que la motivation est là ! Pendant 2 jours , j'ai eu le nez dans un "Harraps vieux de 35 ans (le Père Noël m'en apportera un de plus récent je travaille bien !)
J'en ai même oublié mon pêché mignon : les petits gâteaux du "tea time" C'est vous dire combien j'étais absorbée ! et je pense que si cela continue " apprendre l'anglais ..faire les versions "CAPES" de Lucile perdre 1 ou 2 petits kilos....n'est-ce pas là un beau programme...intellectuel et diététique ? Ah ah !!!

Bye bye et

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de lucile83, postée le 2004-11-25 19:44:26 (S | E)
j'ai commencé à "éplucher" vos traductions et je dois dire tout d'abord que je suis impressionnée par le travail que vous avez fourni ; et je tiens à vous en féliciter. J'ai constaté quelques "copier-coller" mais c'est rare et tant mieux car il faut être honnête avec soi-même; je ne vous corrigerai pas individuellement comme d'habitude car cela me prendrait trop de temps et je pense que vous le comprendrez mais je vous dirai ce que je pense de vos traductions et de votre travail ; je laisse encore un peu de temps aux retardataires;et vous aurez le corrigé ou plutôt le texte original ce week end.
Au fait on a loué la tente pour 5 ans !!!
See you soon

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de kayrol, postée le 2004-11-25 21:46:24 (S | E)
J'espère qu'elle est grande cette tente

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de gorgayles, postée le 2004-11-25 23:29:06 (S | E)
bonsoir moi j'y vas petit à petit .

The discord of events was overpowering and incomprehensible, especially in a middle of uncertainty of this “dangerous and cloudy (or blurred) world” that J.F.Kennedy had diagnose just 8 days before his death and he bequeathed now to his successor. In this instantaneous communication’s time, the gunfire’s news travelled all over the country as an impact wave. During 30 distressings minutes, a number without previous of American kept listening, waited, and participated to the vigil.

Then once more was shown the remarkable continuity of the oldest of the constitutionals republics. For the eighth time, a president had died in function…. Four of them by a murderer. But 107 minutes after the Mr Kennedy death, the ritual act of the succession was fulfiled. Before Mr Kennedy came close to death. As all Presidents, he had been threatened countless times…870 times by letter during the only first year… One day, some times before, after to have a difficult operation of the back, he recived last sacrament of his religion. Many years before, When a Japanese destroyer cut in two his fragile PT-109, he said:” here what one feels when one is killed”.

Nevertheless, during the last week of his life, the future of his political career seemed to be the only thing that he was concerned. And he was, as all the time, unconcerned about his security. At 17h37, President’s jet landed to the Dallas airport. Mr and Mrs Kennedy exchanged handshakes with a mass of people formed behind the barriers that they cheered them. Then they slipped on the backwards seats of the presidential limousine, Mr Kennedy on right and his wife next to him. The Governor Connally and his wife took the seats on the folding seats. The president stood up and greeted with his hand while the crossing of the city. Then as the motorcade drove to the industrial zone, he sat down and chatted cheerfully with the Connally. Sudden a gun shot rang out.Two other bangs followed. The President of United State apparently hit on face , staggered on his seat. “ I though that was a motor’s back-firing ” said J.M Chaney, Dallas’s cops, who was on his motorcycle on 6 feet of right sail President’s car . “ the president’s head was projected on side..... Then, came the second shot and its head burst in blood...” Turning around to see, the Governor Connally received the third bullet just under the right shoulder blade. It left crossing his chest, pierced his wrist, and logged in his left thigh.Turning around, he escaped from the death… “oh no,oh no” screamed unceasingly Jacqueline Kennedy, throwing herself on the body of his husband to protect it. The agent of secrets services Clint hill bounded from running board that he occupied at the level of the back left wing and fell on then two. At the front, an agent bounded, took the radiotelephone and called the police who drives at the head “Direction towards the nearest hospital”

And all around it was the chaos. People howled, cried and threw themselves to ground. The president’s driver started and sank towards the Parkland hospital distant from 5,2 km. the president was stretched out, unconscious, lying on one’s back when the car lined up. Mrs Kennedy helped the agents and the male nurses of the hospital to put the President on a stretcher. The first doctors who saw him, knew it was already too late « Medically speaking”, said one of those who had seen the president to enter, “he died when he was hit, his wound was fatal”

Nevertheless, about ten doctors started work in the emergency ward to try to bring the President to the life. “I thought in myself, he was taller than in the picture” said one of doctors, “ my second think was that he was the most important man of the world. Then I was too much occupied to think “ At 12:57, 27 minutes after the gunfire, two catholics priests of Dallas were called at the President bedside.

The journalists were packed in a nurses’ classroom, in waiting of an official statement. At 13:30, Malcolm Kilduff, assistant of the press attaché of the White House, entered in the room, a paper sheet to the hand. Red eyes and the trembling voice, he read : “ the President J.F.Kennedy died around 13 o’clock, here to Dallas. He died of a wound to the brain caused by a firearm".

Edité par gorgayles le 2004-12-14 10:58:42

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-11-26 09:38:55 (S | E)
avis aux petits du Sud y'a pas que la te d'Azur ou la baule les pins pour planter sa tente, je rappelle que les Flandres, l'avesnois, la baie de somme et la route des caps sont des endroits MAGNIFIQUES du nord pas-de-calais.

Au programme balade, air et estaminets à gogo, Nous les Ch'tis on sait recevoir!!! même les Capésiens et les Capésiennes déprimés!!

Vive le nord pas de calais
vive le potje'vleesch

Edité par bridg le 26-11-2004 16:27

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de gartin, postée le 2004-11-26 11:16:26 (S | E)
Hello à tous,

J'ai enfin terminé "my homework" . Je ne voulais pas faire attendre les autres trop longtemps pour le corrigé. Tu as raison Lucile, pour ceux d'entre nous qui souhaiteraient passer le CAPES (oh ! belle arlésienne...), il va bien falloir au moins 5 ans pour le préparer... Don't you think, Bridg and Gorgayles

Merci d'avance Lucile pour toute la peine que tu prends
pour les corrections.

<< Then, as the mororized cortege was going along an industrial estate, he sat down again and talked merrily with the Connally. Suddenly, a shot rented the air. Two other bang followed. The president of the United States tottered onto his seat, apparently hit from the front.
"I thought it was a backfiring" said JM Chaney, Dallas police officier, who was on his bike at 180 metres from the right wing of the president's car. "The head of the president was fling on the side... Then came the second shot and his head burst with blood".
The governor Connally, as he turned round to see what happened, got the third bullet just below his right scapula (shoulder blade). It came out through his chest, went through his wrist and lodged itself in his left tigh. By overturned, he escaped death.
"Oh no ! Oh no ! cried continuously Jacqueline Kennedy, rush at her husband's body to protect him. The federal agent, Clint Hill, jumped from the running board on the left wing and fell on both of them.
In the front, another agent grabbed the radiotelephone and said to the police at the head of the cortege : "Go towards the nearest hospital".
And all around, chaos prevailed. People shrieked, weeped and plunged on the floor. The president's chauffeur moved off and tore to the Parkland hospital, 5,2 km away.
The president was strechted out, lying on his back, inconscious, when the car pulled in. Mrs Kennedy helped agents and nursing staff to settle the president on a stretcher.
The first physicians who saw him, already knew it was too late. "Medically speaking" said one of them "he was dead when he was hit, his wound was fatal".
Nervertheless, about ten physicians set to work in the emergency ward to trying to revive the president.
"I thouhgt on my mind, he was taller than on pictures" said one of the physician. "My second thought was I had in front of me the most important man in the world. Then, I was too busy to think".
At 12h57, 27 minutes after the gunfire, two catholic priests were summoned at president bedside.
The journalists cramed into a nurses classroom, waiting for an official communiqué.
At 13h33, Malcolm Kilduff, the White House press-attaché assistant, entered the room, a sheet of paper in his hand. With red eyes and a shaky voice, he read : "The president John F. Kennedy is dead about 13 heures, here in Dallas. He died of a brain injury caused by a shot gun.>>

Ouf !!! Cet exercice n'est pas, loin s'en faut, de mon niveau mais comme l'a dit si justement Lucile, si l'on n'essaie pas on ne progresse pas. J'espère ne pas avoir fait de grosses bourdes et en tout cas, ce qui progresse, c'est l'usure des pages de mon dictionnaire... et de mes neurones Mais pour la bonne cause, que ne ferait-on pas ?.

Thanks a lot.
See you

Edité par gartin le 2004-11-26 14:36:54

Réponse: re:corres de 17 à 25ans de cisco, postée le 2004-11-26 15:45:08 (S | E)
salut tu trouveras ce texte dans le livre nommé " 90 leçons d'anglais " entièrement à ta disposition !! c'est un bon texte et même il ya plusieurs écoles ici au sénégal qui s'y sont entrainées sous forme de devoir à l'école ...
merci !! si tu veux etre ami on échangeras pleins de choses !!!

Edité par bridg le 26-11-2004 16:30

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de cocoon, postée le 2004-11-26 18:02:09 (S | E)
Pourquoi dormir sous une tente? Si c'est pour rester 5 ans, autant construire une cabane au fond du jardin de lucile ou de webmaster non? Avec douches, et chauffage, ce serait tellement mieux! Mais c'est vrai qu'on aurait plus ce côté "convivial" de la tente...

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de gorgayles, postée le 2004-11-26 18:12:53 (S | E)
cocoon ça enlèverait tout son charme une cabane

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-11-26 18:21:47 (S | E)
Si nous reprenons l'idée de base. Gorgyales et bridg les 2 canditats au capes logeant dans une tente. Lucile et Kayrole comme coach dans une autre puis un village de bungallows autour pour les suporters. Pourquoi pas ? Le webmaster va avoir du travail pour nous nourrir tous mais qu'il nous fasse confiance nous ne sommes pas si difficiles que ça et tellement disciplinés

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de gartin, postée le 2004-11-26 18:47:19 (S | E)

Je suis d'accord pour le bungalow (avec douche et chauffage comme a dit cocoon) et tant pis pour le charme de la tente
Il est normal que les supporters soient bien logés pour assumer leur rôle à la perfection.
Par contre, je ne suis pas sûre que Lucile et Kayrol aient un grand penchant pour la tente

Bonsoir à tous

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de lucile83, postée le 2004-11-26 21:38:35 (S | E)
J'ai vécu un an sur un voilier, alors la tente ne me fait pas peur;
ce qui m'inquiète davantage c'est le temps que mettent certains, que je ne nommerai pas, à traduire ce texte! tant qu'il n'aura pas terminé vous n'aurez pas le corrigé !!! j'espère que vous ne serez pas obligés d'attendre 5 ans
See you soon

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-11-26 21:43:05 (S | E)
Au rythme ou ça va on n'est pas prêt d'avoir le corrigé en effet mais ses efforts sont considérables, merci de ne pas le décourager

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de gorgayles, postée le 2004-11-26 21:43:22 (S | E)
je fais ce que je peux si je suis trop long je te passerai la traduction par mp car tout le monde doit attendre avec impatience !!!!

M.le webmaster venez à mon aide quand je vous dis que je suis un martyre

Edité par webmaster le 27-11-2004 10:27
pauvre gorgayles! tenez bon, je suis là!

merci M. le webmaster enfin quelqu'un qui me soutient pas comme d'autres hihihi

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de lucile83, postée le 2004-11-27 17:12:17 (S | E)
Cocoon, tu as fait quelques fautes mais l'ensemble est bien, bonne recherche de vocabulaire, tu n'es pas tombée dans le mot à mot;

Sixa, je te laisse terminer à ton rythme, en tous merci pour ta participationtrès méritante;

Jammy, tu nous as carrément abandonnés !

Tounette, une bonne recherche de vocabulaire mais attention à la conjugaison;

Mary, toi aussi je te laisse terminer calmement;

Kayrol, c'est vraiment très bien, malgrè quelques inexactitudes; bravo !

La suite dans quelque temps
See you soon

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de cocoon, postée le 2004-11-27 17:52:05 (S | E)
Merci Luciiiiile! J'ai passé une nuit atroce plongée dans mes trois dictionnaires... mais ça valait le coup!

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de lucile83, postée le 2004-11-28 07:29:11 (S | E)
Dandoun, je te laisse terminer;

Gartin, tu as fait des fautes mais l'ensemble est bon, bonne recherche de vocabulaire;

Babyscot, c'est très bon sauf un contresens = he was always concerned about his own safety; là je t'enlève 4 points !!!
waved at the crowd WHEN driving through the city, si tu oublies when, c'est la foule qui traverse la ville,
Connallys, et pas Connally's,
callED the police ,
at 12.57 p.m. et pas a.m.
sinon tu as un bon style, fluide et proche du naturel; bravo ! fais attention aux contresens;c'est le 2eme que tu me fais; à ce niveau là ça ne pardonne pas; pour la peine tu feras la vaisselle pendant toute la semaine !

Bridg, super travail avec quelques fautes comme AM au lieu de a.m.
seemED peroccupied,
Mr. Kennedy placed at the left of his wife (en es tu sûre????? )
et des verbes au présent parfois...
mais l'ensemble est très bon,bravo !

Gorgayles, je te laisse terminer,

See you soon

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de lucile83, postée le 2004-11-28 09:03:32 (S | E)
J'ai oublié quand même de vous dire à toutes et à tous que je vous félicite pour tout le travail fourni et les heures passées à vous triturer les méninges ! cela est sans doute au fait que l'heure était un peu matinale et que je n'ai pas encore eu les croissants promis !!!
je me sentais délaissée dans cette grande tente........

Encore bravo !!!! mais certain(e)s n'ont pas terminé ! Gorgayles arrête de ronfler comme ça !!!


Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-11-28 09:44:43 (S | E)
Même si pendant 4 jours j'ai eu l'impression d'être moi même dans la voiture présidentielle, cet exercice m'a apporté plus que tous les autres.

Non, tu n'es pas seule sous la tente mais il est vrai que le webmaster tarde à nous livrer les croissants , ce site nous permet de rêver à un CAPES d'anglais mais si l'intendance ne suit pas le moral des troupes va baisser

Edité par webmaster le 28-11-2004 09:54
avec un peu de retard. Tout chaud. C'est moi qui l'ai fait

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-11-28 10:00:24 (S | E)
les premiers arrivés seront les premiers servis

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de lucile83, postée le 2004-11-28 10:31:03 (S | E)
Merci Webmaster !!!!

Bridg et moi avons bu tout le café, et Gorgayles continue à ronfler !!!


Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-11-28 12:32:45 (S | E)
Il semble même qu'il ait complètement disparu de la circulation depuis hier midi , tu penses qu'il est allé se mettre en situation pour mieux traduire ?

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de lucile83, postée le 2004-11-28 13:22:39 (S | E)
non, il nous a tout simplement abandonnés !
devant un tel comportement nous devons réagir, il sera donc de corvée de bois toute la semaine !

See you soon

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-11-28 13:29:26 (S | E)
ça tombe bien, j'en ai 4 stères qui arrivent mercredi

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de kayrol, postée le 2004-11-28 15:05:41 (S | E)
Merci Lucile, comme à Bridg cet exercice m'a fait beaucoup de bien. Tu en as encore en stock j'espère

Edité par bridg le 28-11-2004 18:00
oh oui, encore un

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de gorgayles, postée le 2004-11-28 15:59:41 (S | E)
non non ne vous inquiétez pas je ne dormais pas

Et heureusement que je n'ai pas eu d'accident vous m'auriez attendu longtemps

Edité par gorgayles le 2004-11-28 17:16:20

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de lucile83, postée le 2004-11-28 19:05:31 (S | E)
Gorgayles, tu as fait des fautes mais ton travail est super et je constate que tu as fait d'énormes progrès et je dois dire que l'ensemble de ta traduction n'est pas mal du tout; tu t'es surpassé !! félicitations !

encore du vtt ce matin !!!! au lieu de t'occuper du bois !!


Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-11-29 09:32:02 (S | E)

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de gorgayles, postée le 2004-11-29 09:33:10 (S | E)
lucile je ne sais pas quoi te répondre je suis un peu géné donc je te dirais

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de sixa, postée le 2004-11-29 16:30:12 (S | E)
heu.... je suis encore là... mais j' avoue que pour le moment je me dirige "plus facilement" vers des exercices beaucoup plus à ma portée.....
Je ne suis pas découragé.... ma version finale va arriver et ça va vous faire marrer un bon coup ...
Au fait pendant que j' y suis... je pratique énormément l' alpinisme et la rando .. alors des tentes et du matos de camping j' en ai plein.... avis à celles ou ceux qui sont interessés.....
Bon je retourne au boulot .... sniff

Edité par sixa le 2004-11-29 16:34:39

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de sixa, postée le 2004-11-29 17:19:54 (S | E)
Petit à petit....

Nevertheless, during the last week of his life, only seemed the futur of road to success political. And he was, as like always, heedless of his security personal. At 11h30n the jet of President landed at airport of Dallas. Him and Mme KENNEDY, exchanged handshake with the formed crowd behind the barrier and who acclaimed them. Yhen they sliped in on the back seats of presidential car, M KENNEDY on the right, his wife at his sides. The governor CONNALLY and his wife took the folding-seat.
The President stood and saluted with the handn during the cross of city.
Then as like the procession rolled toward an industrial area, he reseated and talked lively with the CONNALLY governor. Unexpected, one rifle shot tore the atmosphere. Two other detonatijons followed. The President of United-States, apparently wounded, shot at the face staggered on his seat.....
"I thought that is was one sucession of farts of motor" sayed JM Chaney, policeman of Dallas city, who was on his motor bike at six feets of right wing car of the President. " The head of President throwed on the side. Then came the second riffle shot and his head explosed in blood....

Si vous avez une tres grande patience peut-être que....
je marque une pause....

Edité par sixa le 2004-11-29 17:32:51

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de jammy, postée le 2004-11-30 00:51:28 (S | E)
J'ai honte!!!!!!!!! J'ai pas eu le courage de faire cette traduction! Shame on me!
J'espère que tu n'es pas trop déçue Lucile...
Tu sais j'ai quand même bossé pour mon CAPES...
Désolé de ne pas pouvoir rester avec vous sous la tente!
Allez, même si je bosse demain matin, je m'y mets à présent phrase aprés phrase en espérant voir le bout!
Vous voulez encore de moi????

Edité par jammy le 2004-11-30 00:53:24

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de jammy, postée le 2004-11-30 03:28:22 (S | E)
The day when Kennedy died
Last week, in the sudden and terrible brevity of a convulsion of history, the kingly burden of United States presidency shifted from a man to an other one. In a tearing moment, John F. Kennedy was shot in his forty seventh year by a murderer in Dallas, Texas. We find it hard to believe it only took 30 minutes to this strong young tanned healthy man, the youngest president ever elected, to die.

The turmoil of those events were terrible and incomprehensible, especially amid all the uncertainties of that “troubled and dangerous world” that J.F Kennedy had diagnosed just eight days before his death, and that he left to his successor now. In those days of instant communications the news of the shooting went across the whole country like a shock wave. For 30 tense minutes, an unprecedented number of Americans were well up on, they waited and attended to the death watch.

Then once more the outstanding continuity of the oldest constitutional republics were demonstrated. It was the eighth time a president was killed in post…Four of them were murdered. But 107 minutes after Mr Kennedy’s death, the ritual act of succession was carried out. Mr Kennedy had come within a hair’s breadth of death before. Like the other presidents, he had been threatened several times…870 times by letters during his only first year… One day, some time before, after he had undergone a tough operation of his back, he had been given the last sacraments of his religion. And several years earlier, when a Japanese destroyer had split his weak fragile PT-109, he had said: “This is what we feel when we are killed”.

Bon là je suis crevé... La suite demain c'est déjà ça!

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de lucile83, postée le 2004-11-30 06:41:41 (S | E)
Bien sûr qu'on attend les retardataires ! vous avez le temps;
Merci pour le matériel de camping Sixa, il nous sera très utile car 5 ans c'est long !!!
je vais envoyer le corrigé par pm à celles et ceux qui ont terminé, ainsi ils pourront faire leur auto-correction.
Je viens de lire le début Jammy, c'est bien ! allez courage, on rajoute un sac de couchage !
See you soon

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-11-30 07:49:14 (S | E)
Hello, Y at-il un boulanger dans les membres pour aider le webmaster à nous faire les croissants? j'avais raison dans pas longtemps ce sera un rassemblement digne de Woodstock

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de sixa, postée le 2004-11-30 08:01:43 (S | E)
My son is backer and pastry coke... I play guitare....But my English language is very very very very bad...
PS : je pourrai donner un coup de main à l' intendance... c' est tout ...

Edité par sixa le 2004-11-30 08:18:20

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-11-30 08:21:53 (S | E)
Voilà qui est bien, sixa vient pour travailler avec nous et son fils aide le webmaster pour l'intendance, le mien vous trouvera les meilleurs prix
l'affaire prend forme

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de yannloic, postée le 2004-11-30 08:35:28 (S | E)
Vous êtes bien courageux tous. Je ne me sens pas l'âme d'un traducteur de ce type.

Par contre j'ai relu cocon:

Japaense => Japanese
Unitetd States => United States
lokking => looking
brind => bring

splitted => split non ?

the only thing which seemed to preoccupy him =>
the only thing that seemed to preoccupy him

Presidential est ce que me trompe, il n'y a pas de majuscule ?

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de sixa, postée le 2004-11-30 08:44:41 (S | E)
... je vais craquer....

The governor Connally turned for see and he received the third riffle bullet below the right scapula. She gone out in through the chest, transpierced the wrist and planted itself in his left thigh. On turned, he escaped at the dead. O no, o no, cried without cease Jacqueline Kennedy, throwing herself on body his husband for protect hijm. The agent of secret service Clint Hill leaped out steep of carriage that he occupied at the height of left wing back and fell on them. In front, one agent leaped, took the wireless-phone and called the policy who rolled in front " Direction the nearest hospital".

Quand je pense qu' après il va me falloir essayer de comprendre la correction....

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de cremaux, postée le 2004-11-30 09:08:19 (S | E)
bonjour à toutes et à tous

moi aussi j'aimerai me joindre à la l'aventure ,si je ne l'ai pas fait c'est que je suis du genre très lent à la traduction ,maintenant si on me dit que j'ai le temps je veux bien m'y mettre maintenant

(ps) je suis plutôt grand de taille alors pour la tente si on pouvait laisser la porte ouverte pour que je puisse allonger les jambes ce serait sympa

Edité par bridg le 30-11-2004 12:41
Pas de problème, trouvons un collocataire qui ait les mêmes exigences personnellement je préfère qu'elle soit fermée, les soirées sont fraîches mais bienvenu dans le groupe

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-11-30 09:29:34 (S | E)
j'opte pour l'hébérgement à l'année,

merci à tous!!

Edité par bridg le 30-11-2004 12:47
oui pour 5 ans, la requête est déjà accordée

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de sixa, postée le 2004-11-30 10:39:41 (S | E)

And all round was the chaos. The people howled cried and throwed themselves on the ground. The driver of President started and drived quickly toward the hospital Parkland far 5,2 kilometers. The President was spreaded, unconscious of the back when the car garaged. Mme Kennedy helped the agents of hospital attendants at put the President on the hand-barrow. The firsts doctors who perceived him knew who he was already later. "medicaly talking" told one of they who saw the president coming. He is dead when he has been wounded, his wound was mortal....

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de sixa, postée le 2004-11-30 10:58:53 (S | E)
J' insiste...

Nevertheless, about ten doctors set about doing work in the urgency room for try of revive the President at the life. I had thought in my-self that he was very taller that in photo said one of doctors. "my second thought was that it was the odd man of the world. Then I was too busy for to think. At 12h57, twenty-seven minutes after the rifle-fire, two orthodox priest of Dallas was called at the bed-head of the President....

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de sixa, postée le 2004-11-30 11:13:35 (S | E)
oui.... c' est la fin...

The journalists accumulated in the study-room of the nurses, to be waiting for on official communique . At 13H33, Malcom Kilduff, assistant of attached-press of the white house, came in the room, one sheet of paper in his hand. Thes red eyes and the tremulous voice, he read :
The President John.F.Kennedy id dead at 13N round, here in Dallas. He is dead one wound in brain caused by one fire-arms.....

ouf, il est temps....

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-11-30 11:14:55 (S | E)
la traduction se trouve plus haut pour la correction!!

bravo pour l'effort

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de lucile83, postée le 2004-11-30 18:37:39 (S | E)
Bonsoir à toutes et tous,

Bravo Sixa !!! je t'enverrai le corrigé par pm dans quelques minutes.

Yannloic, je n'ai pas pu corriger toutes les petites fautes, mais tu fais bien de relever celles que tu as notées,c'est utile pour tout le monde;
en ce qui concerne "presidential" c'est avec une majuscule dans le texte d'origine sans doute par égard au Président, sinon en effet c'est un adjectif normal qui peut ne pas prendre de majuscule, contrairement à English,French,etc....

Baby, je n'ai pas envoyé le corrigé,et je ne l'envoie pour le moment que par pm à ceux qui ont tout traduit, et il en manque encore, dont Marie si je ne me trompe; Sixa vient de terminer; il reste donc
si je me trompe dites le moi, ça m'évitera de fouiner dans tous les messages, merci;
et nous attendrons Cremaux;
L'aventure sous la tente se précise ! et avec une guitare ce sera fabuleux !! c'est parti pour Woodstock ! on pourrait baptiser le camp "woodcapes", qu'en pensez vous?
See you soon

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-11-30 18:47:06 (S | E)
ok pour Woodcapes et une guitare j'en ai également une

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de lucile83, postée le 2004-11-30 18:56:42 (S | E)
Nous aurons donc 2 guitares !!! super !!!

j'ai vérifié quand même et vu que Dandoun avait terminé, je lui envoie donc le corrigé;

et j'ai oublié (désolée) de féliciter Sixa pour le travail qu'il a fourni, ayant débuté l'anglais depuis 1 an seulement !!

Il reste donc Marie, Jammy, Gorgayles , Cremaux.

See you soon

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de cocoon, postée le 2004-11-30 18:57:43 (S | E)
Yannloic, oui effectivement ce sont des erreurs de frappe. J'ai été pourtant assez attentive, mais ça arrive.
Au fait moi c'est cocoOn et pas cocon...

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de jammy, postée le 2004-11-30 19:28:51 (S | E)
J'ai la pression, je viens de rentrer du boulot, et il faut que je reparte dans 2 petites heures, je fais de mon mieux, et vous aurez une grosse partie de la traduction demain au réveil (décalage horaire oblige)
Je pense à vous sous ma petite tente annexe de Martinique...
à bientôt!

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de marie37400, postée le 2004-11-30 19:46:43 (S | E)
Bonsoir à tout le monde
Fourth paragraph

Nevertheless, during the last week of his life, he just seem to be concerned about the future of his political career. And he was, as always, unconcerned by his own safety. At 11.37 a.m, the President’s jet landed on Dallas airport. He and Mrs Kennedy shook hands with the crowd massed behind the barried, who acclaimed them. Then they slided on the backseats of the presidential limousine, M. Kennedy on the right with his wife by his side. Gouvernor Connally and her wife took the foldaway seats. The President stood and waved during they crossed the city. Then, as the motorized procession was running to an industrial park, he sat down again and chattered merrily with the Connallys. All of a sudden, a rifle shattered the air. Two other detonations followed. Seemingly hit at the front, the President of the United States stagged on his seat. « I thought that it was a backfiring » declared J.M Chaney, a policeman in Dallas, who rode a motorbike 6 feet from the right wing of the President’s car. « The President’s head was flung aside… then the second shoot occured and his head burst in bloodshed… »While he was turning over to watch, Governor Connally got the third bullet just under the right shoulder blade. It came out through his wrist and lodged in his left knee. Turning over, he escaped death… « Oh, no, oh, no » Jacqueline Kennedy kept crying, while she was throwing herself on her husband’s body to protect him. The secret service’s agent Clint Hill bounded from the step he occupied at the height of the back left-wing and fell on both of them. In front, an agent rushed, got hold of the radiotelephone and called the police who was going at the head : « Run to the nearest hospital ».

Sorry for being so late…

More and more difficult. I'm feeling as I'm translating word for word
But more and more interesting

Edité par marie37400 le 01-12-2004 11:03

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de lucile83, postée le 2004-11-30 20:01:21 (S | E)
Courage Marie, on t'attend !!

Jammy aussi courage mais au soleil de la Martinique ça doit être plus facile, ou plus difficile si tu es tenté par la plage !

et si on installait notre tente chez Jammy????????


Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de kayrol, postée le 2004-11-30 21:41:06 (S | E)
Un trio à la guitare c'est possible ? j'amène la mienne aussi
Et j'ai une très bonne boulangère..

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de jammy, postée le 2004-12-01 04:32:31 (S | E)
J' y suis presque!!! Je suis épuisé!!! Ok lucile je vous accueille sous ma tente... Près de la plage...Mais il faudra faire attention pour rester éveillé et concentré! A bientôt pour la dernière partie (je l'espère!)

The day when Kennedy died
Last week, in the sudden and terrible brevity of a convulsion of history, the kingly burden of United States presidency shifted from a man to an other one. In a tearing moment, John F. Kennedy was shot in his forty seventh year by a murderer in Dallas, Texas. We find it hard to believe it only took 30 minutes to this strong young tanned healthy man, the youngest president ever elected, to die.

The turmoil of those events were terrible and incomprehensible, especially amid all the uncertainties of that “troubled and dangerous world” that J.F Kennedy had diagnosed just eight days before his death, and that he left to his successor now. In those days of instant communications the news of the shooting went across the whole country like a shock wave. For 30 tense minutes, an unprecedented number of Americans were well up on, they waited and attended the death watch .

Then once more the outstanding continuity of the oldest constitutional republics was demonstrated. It was the eighth time a president was killed in post…Four of them were murdered. But 107 minutes after Mr Kennedy’s death, the ritual act of succession was carried out. Mr Kennedy had come within a hair’s breadth of death before. Like the other presidents, he had been threatened several times…870 times by letters during his only first year… One day, some time before, after he had undergone a tough operation of his back, he had been given the last sacraments of his religion. And several years earlier, when a Japanese destroyer had split his weak fragile PT-109, he had said: “This is what we feel when we are killed”.

Yet, for the last week of his life, the future of his political career was the only thing he seemed to worry about. And, as usual, he did not care about his own security. At 11.37 am, the President’s jet plane landed in Dallas airport. He and Mrs Kennedy shook hands with the crowd that was gathering and acclaiming them behind the gates. They slipped into the back seats of the presidential limousine, Mr Kennedy on the right, his wife beside him. Governor Connally and his wife sat on the folding seats. The president stood up and waved while they were crossing the city. Then as the motorised procession was running towards an industrial area, he sat down again and cheerfully talked with the Conallys. Suddenly, a shot tore the air. Two other detonations followed. The President of the United States apparently shot in the face was tottering on his seat. “I thought it was an engine put-putting” J.M Chaney declared, a Dallas policeman, who was on motorbike at 6 feet from the president’s car right wing. “The president’s head was hurled on one side…Then there was a second shot and his head burst into blood…” As he was turning round to see, governor Connally received the third bullet just under the right shoulder blade. It went out through his chest, then through his wrist and lodged itself in his left thigh.He had avoided death by turning around. “Oh no, oh no” Jacqueline Kennedy was constantly shouting, throwing on her husband’s body to protect him. The Secret Service Agent Clint Hill leapt from the running board where he was near the rear left wing and fell over both of them. In the front, an agent leapt and grabbed the radiotelephone and phoned the police who were running at the front: “go to the nearest hospital”

Edité par jammy le 2004-12-01 04:35:13

Edité par jammy le 2004-12-01 13:30:13

Edité par jammy le 2004-12-01 19:21:10

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de lucile83, postée le 2004-12-01 06:53:25 (S | E)
Bonjour !
Marie, tu as fait quelques petites fautes mais ce n'est pas mal du tout, je t'encourage ;

Pas de problème pour une 3eme guitare Kayrol, et emmène ta boulangère, on lui fera passer le capes

Jammy, c'est bon tout ça ! sauf
attended the death watch
was demonstrated
at 11.37 a.m.
....motorbike 6 feet from...
his head burst into blood
Secret Service Agent Clint Hill

et bien sûr puisque tu es d'accord je propose d'installer notre tente chez
Jammy au bord de la plage

See you soon

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de cremaux, postée le 2004-12-01 10:58:47 (S | E)
The day where Kennedy died

In the brevity suddenly and terribly convulsion story last week ,the majestic burden of presidency of the United States was pass one man to another .In an agonizing moment ,John F Kennedy moved down in his 47 years by the bullet of murderer,in Dallas,Texas .They are some difficulty to believe that ,it was enough only thirty minutes for that young man ,tanned ,healthy and vigorous ,the youngest president ever elected ceased of live
The events disorder was damming and incomprehensible,particularly in the middle of all the uncertainty of this dangerous world and trouble that J.F.Kennedy had diagnosed just eight days before his died and he passed on now to his successor .In this age of immediate communication,the news of the fusillade through the country as a shock wave ,when thirty anxious minutes,a number without precedent of American eavesdropped,waited,then took part in the vigil
then once again the remarkable continuity of the oldest constitutionally Republic was demonstrated .For the eight time a president was died in office four of them by the hand's of murderer.But 107 minutes after the dead of M.Kennedy,the ritual act of succession was accomplished .M.Kennedy came close to death before .as all presidents he had been threatened innumerable a time .870 times by letters for the first year .One day, some time before ,after a difficult operation of his back ,the last sacrament of his religion ,had been administer to him .And some years ago sooner ,when a Japanese destroyer cut in two his fragile PT-109 .He told here's that we feel when we are kill

Nevertheless,when the last week of his life ,he seemed only to worry by the future of his politic career .And he was like always ,unconcerned by his own security .At 11h37 the president's jet aircraft landed on the airport of Dallas .him and Mrs Kennedy shacked hands with the crowd gathered behind the barrier who acclaimed them .Then they slided on the back seat of the presidential limousine,M Kennedy on the right ,and his wife at his side .Governor Connaly and his wife took the folding seats .President kept stand and bowed to the audience during all through of the town .Then as mechanized troops rode to the industrial estate ,he seated down and chattered merrily with connaly.Suddenly one shot teared the air .Two other bang followed .The president seemed to handle in front of ,staggered on his seat .I thought that was a backfiring .Declared J M Chaney policeman of Dallas who was on motorbike six feet far from the right wing of the President’s car. The president's head threw on the side .Then arrived the second shot of fire and his head explosed in blood .when he turned to look at ,the Governor Connaly received the third bullet just under the right shoulder blade .it went out through the chest ,went through the wrist and lodged in his left thigh .Turning round he escaped death .Oh no oh no cried continually Jacqueline Kennedy ,she threw one self at the body of her husband to protect him .A secret agent Clint Hill jumped up of running board and fell on them .In front an agent jumped up took the phone and called ,the police who drove in front of " direction the nearest hospital "

and all around ,it was the chaos the people howled ,cried and threw on the floor .President's driver started and sped to parkland hospital distant to 5.2km . president was lying unconscious on his back,when the car parked,Mrs Kennedy helped the agents and the nurses of the hospital to put the president on a stretcher.The doctor caught sight,knew that was already too late told one of them who saw the president entered

Nevertheless about ten doctors set to workin the urgency room to tryto call back the president's alive.told a doctor .At 12h57,27minutes after the fusillade ,two catholic priest of Dallas was called president's bedside.

The journalits crowded in the nurse's class room,in the waite of one official communicate. At 13 h 33 Malcolm Cliff,assistant of the press attaché of the white house ,come in the room with a sheet in the hand.The red eyes and the shaky trembling .He read :
Premiére étape très très dur j'ai mal aux yeux crem-aux-?

suite et fin crem-aux-?

Edité par cremaux le 2004-12-01 11:35:33

Edité par cremaux le 2004-12-02 14:25:29

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-01 12:29:50 (S | E)
bridg, je m'occuperai du montage des tentes je suis un ancien "eclaireur de France"

schuss mes brothers

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-12-01 12:36:22 (S | E)
J'ai également dirigé une compagnie de guides de France donc de ce côté là, pas de soucis

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de marie37400, postée le 2004-12-01 12:48:07 (S | E)
Hi everybody !
Then, it was the chaos all around. People were screaming, crying and throwing themselves on the ground. The President chauffeur drove off and rushed to Parkland hospital, 9,152 miles away. The President was laid, unconscious, on his back when the car parked. Mrs Kennedy helped the policemen and the hospital nurses to put the President on a stretcher. The first doctors who made him out knew that it was already too late. « Medically speaking », say one of them who saw the President entering « he died when he was hit, his injury was fatal ».

Nevertheless, about ten doctors started working in the emergency room trying to bring him round. « I thought myself that he was very much taller than on photographs » said one of the doctors, «my second thought was he was precisely the most important man in the world . Then, I was too busy to think ». At 12.57, 27 minutes after the shooting, two Catholic priests were called at the President bedside.

The journalists crowded into the nurses classroom, waiting for an official statement. At 13.33, the White House press attaché adjoint, Malcom Kilduff entered the room, a sheet of paper in his hand. With tears in his eyes and a trembling voice, he read : « President John F. Kennedy died about 13 o’clock, here in Dallas. He died from an injury at his brain caused by a firearm.
Encore merci Lucile pour ta patience et tes encouragements, sans lesquels l'abandon pourrait être une (mauvaise) tentation


Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-01 12:53:03 (S | E)
super on fera de la guimauve au feu de camp en chantant Joan Baez à tue-tête:

"If you were a carpenter,
and If I were a lady,
would marry me anyway,
would you have my baby"

mais là je m'égare, donc le Capes

Edité par bridg le 01-12-2004 13:00
Aucun problème, j'ai gardé les cahiers de chansons

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-01 13:20:40 (S | E)
bridg, the more you are bridg, the more you make me laugh

plus prosaïquement, le prochain exos, je propose de faire le thème de Chrisg, qui semble intéressant. Je le remets en avant.

Schuss, louveteaux et ainés

Sardines toujours coquines (c'était mon cri de guerre au campement du vieux castor à Lille, sisis c'est vrai!!)

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de jammy, postée le 2004-12-01 13:37:42 (S | E)
coucou !
J'ai essayé de corriger quelques erreurs évidentes, je réfléchirai davantage pour les autres plus tard dans la journée. Mon sommeil était troublé par Kennedy!!! Attention il risque de hanter notre tente en Martinique. Mais je ferai tout pour rester concentrer afin de voir la fin de ce texte!
Je vais bosser et à mon retour je m'y remets!
A plus et courage aux retardataires (comme moi)!

Edité par jammy le 2004-12-01 13:39:59

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-01 13:43:32 (S | E)
je tiens à saluer les efforts de tous!!

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de lucile83, postée le 2004-12-01 16:46:11 (S | E)
Bien Marie, tu as terminé et ce n'est vraiment pas mal du tout !!bravo à toi et à toutes et tous encore une fois ! donc Marie je t'envoie le corrigé = le texte initial, par pm afin que tu puisses faire une auto-correction.
Nous attendons Jammy, Cremaux et Gorgayles, ce dernier étant très occupé par des recherches à la fac, je ne le bousculerai donc pas.

Je crois que nous allons tous aller sous la tente en Martinique et vivre de poissons que nous aurons pêchés en écoutant les guitares!! quel programme !!!!!

See you soon

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-12-01 16:51:50 (S | E)
Oui quel programme mais dans ce paradis n'oublie pas que tu dois nous coacher pour le CAPES, ce ne seront pas vraiment des vacances

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de lucile83, postée le 2004-12-01 17:27:01 (S | E)
c'est vrai ça !! j'avais oublié !!
qu'à cela ne tienne, je vais vous préparer des exos très difficiles et très longs, et les corrigés que j'aurai emmenés seront bien cachés , je n'aurai plus qu'à les sortir en temps voulu !!

See you soon

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-12-01 17:30:33 (S | E)
Hello, tu nous connais mal Lucile on ne te lâchera pas comme ça d'ailleurs je propose de t'élire coach de l'année , c'est une idée non? tu ne pourras plus nous abandonner après ça !!!!!!!!

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de cocoon, postée le 2004-12-01 18:00:16 (S | E)

Je suis d'accord avec bridg! Lucile, chaque exercice proposé est une plongée dans les abysses-profondes-de la culture et de l'entraînement. Un grand merci à notre merveilleuse coach!

PS:Pour les poissons et les guitares,je suis aussi d'accord!

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-12-01 18:02:44 (S | E)
ça fait déjà 2 voix qui dit mieux ?

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de kayrol, postée le 2004-12-01 19:51:13 (S | E)
Je vote pour aussi, vive le coach de l'année Lucile
et 3 voix, 3..

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de gorgayles, postée le 2004-12-01 21:36:08 (S | E)
aaaaaaaalllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzz coach tu es le super coach de tous les temps de l'univers intersidéral, ne nous abandonne pas !!!!!!!!

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-12-01 21:43:31 (S | E)
Comment pourrais-tu nous abandonner en lisant cette détresse dans les propos de Gorgayles.

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de jammy, postée le 2004-12-02 00:43:41 (S | E)
Grâce à toi je ne dors plus, je ne mange plus, tu es ma coach adorée 4eme voix ! C'est évident... Le reste du texte arrive.... (j' en ai des palpitations!)

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de jammy, postée le 2004-12-02 04:39:25 (S | E)
The day when Kennedy died
Last week, in the sudden and terrible brevity of a convulsion of history, the kingly burden of United States presidency shifted from a man to an other one. In a tearing moment, John F. Kennedy was shot in his forty seventh year by a murderer in Dallas, Texas. We find it hard to believe it only took 30 minutes to this strong young tanned healthy man, the youngest president ever elected, to die.

The turmoil of those events were terrible and incomprehensible, especially amid all the uncertainties of that “troubled and dangerous world” that J.F Kennedy had diagnosed just eight days before his death, and that he left to his successor now. In those days of instant communications the news of the shooting went across the whole country like a shock wave. For 30 tense minutes, an unprecedented number of Americans were well up on, they waited and attended the death watch .

Then once more the outstanding continuity of the oldest constitutional republics was demonstrated. It was the eighth time a president was killed in post…Four of them were murdered. But 107 minutes after Mr Kennedy’s death, the ritual act of succession was carried out. Mr Kennedy had come within a hair’s breadth of death before. Like the other presidents, he had been threatened several times…870 times by letters during his only first year… One day, some time before, after he had undergone a tough operation of his back, he had been given the last sacraments of his religion. And several years earlier, when a Japanese destroyer had split his weak fragile PT-109, he had said: “This is what we feel when we are killed”.

Yet, for the last week of his life, the future of his political career was the only thing he seemed to worry about. And, as usual, he did not care about his own security. At 11.37 am, the President’s jet plane landed in Dallas airport. He and Mrs Kennedy shook hands with the crowd that was gathering and acclaiming them behind the gates. They slipped into the back seats of the presidential limousine, Mr Kennedy on the right, his wife beside him. Governor Connally and his wife sat on the folding seats. The president stood up and waved while they were crossing the city. Then as the motorised procession was running towards an industrial area, he sat down again and cheerfully talked with the Conallys. Suddenly, a shot tore the air. Two other detonations followed. The President of the United States apparently shot in the face was tottering on his seat. “I thought it was an engine put-putting” J.M Chaney declared, a Dallas policeman, who was on motorbike at 6 feet from the president’s car right wing. “The president’s head was hurled on one side…Then there was a second shot and his head burst into blood…” As he was turning round to see, governor Connally received the third bullet just under the right shoulder blade. It went out through his chest, then through his wrist and lodged itself in his left thigh. He had avoided death by turning around. “Oh no, oh no” Jacqueline Kennedy was constantly shouting, throwing on her husband’s body to protect him. The Secret Service Agent Clint Hill leapt from the running board where he was near the rear left wing and fell over both of them. In the front, an agent leapt and grabbed the radiotelephone and phoned the police who were running at the front: “go to the nearest hospital”

And there was a chaos all around. People were howling, crying and fainting. The president’s driver started the limousine and rushed to Parkland hospital that was about 5 miles away. The President was lying unconscious on his back when the car parked. Mrs Kennedy helped the agents and the male nurses to lift the President up to a stretcher. The first doctors who saw him already knew it was too late. “medically speaking” said one of them who saw the President go in, “he died when he was shot, it was a lethal wound ”.

Yet about ten doctors started to work in the emergency unit to bring the President back to life. I deeply thought he was much taller than on photo” one of the doctors said, my second thought was he was the most important man in the world. Then I was too busy to think.” At 12.57 am, 27 minutes after the shooting, They called two Catholics priests from Dallas at the President’s bedside.

The journalists were crowding in one of the nurses’ classroom, waiting for an official announcement. At 1.33 pm, Malcolm Kilduff, the assistant of the White House press attaché, went into the room, holding a sheet of paper. With his red eyes and in a shaky voice he read: “President John F. Kennedy died at about 1.00 pm, here in Dallas. He died from a brain wound caused by a fire arm.

C’est terminé! Quel bonheur! J’ai vu la fin, le bout du tunnel…
ps:Il vous faudra lever la tente avant le CAPES pour retouner en métropole car ici les épreuves commencent à 3h du matin (décalage horaire oblige ! ! ! ) et c'est pas très drôle de se réveiller à 1h30- 2h00...

! Je suis si soulagé et j'espère que je ne me suis pas remué les méninges pour rien...

Edité par jammy le 2004-12-02 04:40:42

Edité par jammy le 2004-12-02 04:56:23

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de lucile83, postée le 2004-12-02 06:46:55 (S | E)
Bravo Jammy, ta traduction est très bien et le style agréable; j'ai remarqué 2 ou 3 petites fautes comme 12.57 a.m., je dirais p.m., mais t'envoie le texte original par pm pour que tu compares avec ta traduction;
Inutile de s'inquiéter pour le décalage horaire, les examinateurs viendront sur place, l'épreuve durera 1h mais ils resteront 15 jours pour corriger sous les parasols;
Merci pour ta participation,
See you soon

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de gartin, postée le 2004-12-02 11:57:42 (S | E)
Hello à tous,

Je constate que la bonne humeur est toujours là malgré le dur labeur...
Je vais donc me joindre à tout ce "petit monde" extrêmement sympa, tout d'abord pour apporter une 5ème voix à l'élection de Lucile comme coach de l'année, ensuite pour préciser que je n'ai pas de guitare mais que je peux chanter... Comme il me semble que chez Jammy, il fait souvent très beau... nous ne risquons pas grand chose ... Quoique... Peut-être cela sera-t-il plus facile en anglais ?
Enfin, on entraînera les deux élèves sur les exos super difficiles de lucile...

Salut à tous. See you

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de marie37400, postée le 2004-12-02 11:58:43 (S | E)
Oui, Lucile,voici ma voix pour toi, sans restriction,
donc on en est à 5 et on attend les suivants.
Très sincèrement, un vrai super coach, et les appels de
détresse de Gorgayles, comment y résister !!!
Mais au fond, peut-être un aller simple !!!!!!
Encore mille mercis,

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-12-02 12:11:51 (S | E)
He, Marie avec toi ça fait 6 voix, on progresse
Pour gartin ok, pour le chant j'apporte mes livres de paroles, on aura de quoi faire puisqu'il semble qu'on aura des moments de repos pendant que Lucile naviguera sur son voilier au soleil

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-02 12:42:09 (S | E)
je ne peux qu'adhérer (je n'ai de dents contre personne), cette blague sur Stéradent me fait marrer .

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-12-02 12:45:33 (S | E)
Avec ce genre de blague on va peut-être te trouver une tente pour toi tout seul

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de cremaux, postée le 2004-12-02 14:51:53 (S | E)
Bonjour à toutes et à tous
je vous mets la suite de l’exos, j’ai essayé de la mettre à la suite de la première partie, mais ça n’a pas fonctionné

Nevertheless,when the last week of his life ,he seemed only to worry by the future of his politic career .And he was like always ,unconcerned by his own security .At 11h37 the president's jet aircraft landed on the airport of Dallas .him and Mrs Kennedy shacked hands with the crowd gathered behind the barrier who acclaimed them .Then they slided on the back seat of the presidential limousine,M Kennedy on the right ,and his wife at his side .Governor Connaly and his wife took the folding seats .President kept stand and bowed to the audience during all through of the town .Then as mechanized troops rode to the industrial estate ,he seated down and chattered merrily with connaly.Suddenly one shot teared the air .Two other bang followed .The president seemed to handle in front of ,staggered on his seat .I thought that was a backfiring .Declared J M Chaney policeman of Dallas who was on motorbike six feet far from the right wing of the President’s car. The president's head threw on the side .Then arrived the second shot of fire and his head explosed in blood .when he turned to look at ,the Governor Connaly received the third bullet just under the right shoulder blade .it went out through the chest ,went through the wrist and lodged in his left thigh .Turning round he escaped death .Oh no oh no cried continually Jacqueline Kennedy ,she threw one self at the body of her husband to protect him .A secret agent Clint Hill jumped up of running board and fell on them .In front an agent jumped up took the phone and called ,the police who drove in front of " direction the nearest hospital "

and all around ,it was the chaos the people howled ,cried and threw on the floor .President's driver started and sped to parkland hospital distant to 5.2km . president was lying unconscious on his back,when the car parked,Mrs Kennedy helped the agents and the nurses of the hospital to put the president on a stretcher.The doctor caught sight,knew that was already too late told one of them who saw the president entered

Nevertheless about ten doctors set to workin the urgency room to tryto call back the president's alive.told a doctor .At 12h57,27minutes after the fusillade ,two catholic priest of Dallas was called president's bedside.

The journalits crowded in the nurse's class room,in the waite of one official communicate. At 13 h 33 Malcolm Cliff,assistant of the press attaché of the white house ,come in the room with a sheet in the hand.The red eyes and the shaky trembling .He read :
C'est rigolo mais je n'arrive pas à publier toutes les phrases de l'histoire

Beaucoup de travail beaucoup de recherche mais j’ai aimé


Edité par cremaux le 2004-12-02 14:57:40

Edité par cremaux le 2004-12-02 15:07:37

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-02 14:54:22 (S | E)
bridg, tu insinues que je ronfle (voir plus plus si insanités?), non du tout mais bon le roi a le droit à ses égards. En plus, j'emmene mes bouchons, ma bouteille d'eau et ma pépéte (mon chihuahua à poils longs).

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de cocoon, postée le 2004-12-02 15:05:34 (S | E)
Heu... il est fortement déconseillé d'amener son minuscule chihuahua avec toi. Mon rottweiler pourrait le manger...
30 millions d'amis? Oui, mais pas entre eux...

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-02 15:08:16 (S | E)
ou làllàhh, erreur FATALE, ne jamais Critiquer MA PEPETe d'accord?

elle a bouffé un labrador de 50 kilos, le facteur et mon nez, c'est coriace ces petites bêtes (comme son maitre d'ailleurs)

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-12-02 15:09:17 (S | E)
Si les animaux suivent je ne te dis effectivement pas emmener ta petite bête vue la taille de ma chienne et l'esprit joueur de mes 2 chats.

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-02 15:13:53 (S | E)
ah oui là, surtout que c'est le YOUKI à son pépère, faudra prévoir, une cargaison de tartines beurrées et du chocolat noir (75 % merci) car pépéte est exigeante et son maitre adorable avec son youki!!

donc le Capes (lucile va nous réprimande nous plombons le post)

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-12-02 15:15:56 (S | E)
Lucile, elle prépare déjà ses valises prête à oublier que Gorgayles et moi comptons sur elle pour ce CAPES dans 5 ans

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de marie37400, postée le 2004-12-02 15:45:42 (S | E)
Plombé pour plombé !!!!
As my Valentine (3months), my Tequila (a, but a boy!)(20months) (Golden Retrievers) and my Figaro (a black Tom cat!) are short of "croquettes", I'll tell them they will have a good sweet with "Pépète"


Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-02 16:09:32 (S | E)
ok marie, I give up I gonna call for the SPA, you are mistreating my Pépéte, snif bouhhh.

Le prochain thème de Capes sera impitoyable!!

Of honour, of power, of omnipotence

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de cocoon, postée le 2004-12-02 16:09:53 (S | E)
De toute façon, cet exercice aurait déjà dû être terminé (ne voir aucun message caché dans cette phrase pour gorgay... ) et je ne pense pas que lucile va se fâcher... elle ne plus trop en ce moment.
Mais que lui arrive-t-il?

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-12-02 16:54:33 (S | E)
Elle a déjà la tête sous les cocotiers

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-02 16:58:39 (S | E)
she's worth it

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de lucile83, postée le 2004-12-02 18:54:36 (S | E)
oui je suis déjà sous les cocotiers,au soleil,je prépare le terrain et vous attendS(Miss Pernickety ) de pied ferme !!!

profitez en, je suis "zen" en ce moment

Thanks for your compliments !! it's very kind of you !!

See you soon

Edité par marie37400 le 02-12-2004 19:15

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de lucile83, postée le 2004-12-03 06:53:09 (S | E)
Bien vu Marie !!!!!

See you soon

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-03 09:15:07 (S | E)
ok pour le chihuahua, on oublie. ma pépéte a trop l'habitude du confort douillet et a peur des sauvages comme certaines personnes du 65....

enfin, sinon, j'apporterai le prochain texte de Capès. Dans 10 jours, histoire de laisser le temps au temps!!

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-12-03 09:18:09 (S | E)
On en a encore un en cours ailleurs, laisse nous effectivement le temps de nous retourner.

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de lucile83, postée le 2004-12-05 12:09:55 (S | E)
je fais remonter ce post pour dire que nous attendons la suite de la traduction de Gorgayles et Cremaux;
si d'autres membres du site ont traduit sans poster leur travail, faites le moi savoir par pm et je vous enverrai alors le corrigé également par pm,
à moins que Gorgayles er Cremaux déclarent forfait et en ce cas je posterai le corrigé ici;

See you soon

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de gorgayles, postée le 2004-12-05 12:34:18 (S | E)
non il est hors que de question de déclarer forfait je ne me laisserais battre par un traduction!!!!

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de lucile83, postée le 2004-12-05 18:14:13 (S | E)
ok, ok Gorgayles, we'll wait for you !!
Calm down and start working tonight !
See you soon

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-06 09:45:09 (S | E)
bravo Gorgayles, c'est la marque des vainqueurs. Si vous voulez attendre pour le prochain Opus c'est pas grave, ça évitera les indigestions pré- révéillonesques.

Merci et bon courage à tous

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de cremaux, postée le 2004-12-06 11:24:56 (S | E)
Bonjour à toutes et à tous

j'ai posté la traduction complète ,la première partie le 1/12/04 à10h58
la deuxième parties le 2/12/04 à14h51

j'ai eu des difficultés à la publication ,car il manque des phrases ,je ne sais pas ce qu'il s'est passé ,je viens d'envoyer la traduction complète à lucile83 par message privé, je suis désolé crem-aux-?

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de cocoon, postée le 2004-12-06 12:20:42 (S | E)
Donc il ne reste plus que gorgayles, le dernier des mohicans... allez, courage! Tu verras, une fois que c'est fini on se sent soulagé, libéré! C'est la dernière ligne droite! Fonce!

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-12-06 12:28:32 (S | E)
Je me sens dans l'obligation d'envoyer également un message de soutien à gorgayles qui est en train de me faire une grosse déprime pour ne pas l'avoir fait.
Alors OUI je te soutiens
Oui je sais que tu y arriveras
Non, je ne sais pas quand,car je connais ton activité débortante

A tous !! sachez qu'il a passé le week-end à pédaler pour le téléthon (427Km à 1€/km) et toute la matinée à enregistrer des fichiers audios alors je vous propose un petit pique-nique car l'attente risque de durer quelque peu

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-06 12:31:36 (S | E)
Respect total, mais il a le temps. "qui va lentement va surement"

Courage Gorgayles, tes compagnons d'infortune rament pour toi!!

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-12-06 12:33:36 (S | E)
Quelqu'un a du Ketchup ???

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de gorgayles, postée le 2004-12-06 12:39:40 (S | E)
merci pour vos messages de soutien ça me réconforte beaucoup et je pense que je vais finir incessemment sous peu

pour bridg: si tu veux je te prète mon Ketchup et je ne pensais pas être une divinité de l'espoir

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-06 12:42:09 (S | E)
pour le pique-nique, brrr il fait froid, raclette à la maison, ca vous tente?

the more the merrier

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-12-06 12:43:47 (S | E)
D'accord pour la raclette

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de gorgayles, postée le 2004-12-06 12:44:17 (S | E)
c'est possible d'avoir une tartiflette

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-06 12:48:10 (S | E)
ok mais prevenir les voisins que l'odeur ne vient pas de chez moi!!

y'aura de la coquille avec de la confiture de rhubarbe en dessert

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-12-06 12:59:32 (S | E)
Génial, on peut apporter son dessert ?

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-06 13:08:32 (S | E)
bridg, si tu détestes les ch'tis tu peux ramerner ta danette, Pépéte mangera ta part de coquille

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-06 13:31:10 (S | E)
on s'éloigne du sujet non? bridg, tu cherches pas la platinium member card?

n'empêche t'es géniale

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-12-06 13:35:57 (S | E)
On dirait que Saint Nicolas te fait de l'effet

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-06 13:37:59 (S | E)
c'est aussi la fête de la charité et du pardon....., de l'humilité.....

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de lucile83, postée le 2004-12-06 18:07:02 (S | E)
j'ai reçu la traduction de Cremaux, et le félicite pour son courage, comme toutes et tous ici !!!!
je lui envoie donc le corrigé par pm;
allez, Gorgayles, courage !! tu sais que tout le monde te soutient !
See you soon

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de gorgayles, postée le 2004-12-06 20:44:27 (S | E)
il ne me reste plus que les trois derniers paragraphes la fin est proche

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de bridg, postée le 2004-12-06 20:50:04 (S | E)
La fin de quoi (du texte) ou de qui (de toi) rassures nous

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de gorgayles, postée le 2004-12-06 20:51:30 (S | E)
un peu des deux en fait et du texte et de moi

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de marie37400, postée le 2004-12-06 21:16:15 (S | E)
C'est pour toi ou pour le texte
Oui, je sais, c'est facile quand on a fini
Courage on te soutient !!!

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de jammy, postée le 2004-12-07 02:47:36 (S | E)
courage Gorgayles! Tu as la pression ??? Ca motive non?

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-07 13:19:13 (S | E)
bravo n'empêche à tous,

"each step you make makes you come closer to Heaven"

dixit moi-même

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de lucile83, postée le 2004-12-15 08:38:33 (S | E)
Gorgayles a posté la fin de sa traduction, je lui ai donc envoyé le texte original; je le félicite pour son travail acharné et pour l'achat d'un dictionnaire !!!!
Bravo à tous les autres aussi !!!!! tout le monde a superbement travaillé !

See you sooooonnnn

Réponse: re:exos Capes thème de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-15 09:06:43 (S | E)
allez merci lucile, bonne fetes à toi, je vous propose une trève mpour les fêtes. Bonnes fêtes à tous!!

et encore bravo



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