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Future simple, future continuous..
Message de felin posté le 01-03-2005 à 13:38:56 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour à tous...

Correction Jeudi soir.

Complete these pairs of sentences using the Future Simple, the Future Continuous or the Future Perfect. Use the verb given in brackets.

1a/.........part in our play? You're a really good actor, we need you! (take)
b I know you're a keen member of the drama group. I suppose you part in the play this year, (take)
2 a/ London next year, still doing the same old job. (be)
b I’.............. in London for ten years by next June, (be)
3 a/ By Friday, I...........this new book by Marquez. (finish)
b If I don't have too much work this year, I think I.......all of Marquez's
novels, (finish)
4 a/ This time tomorrow, Maria......on a beach in Majorca, (sunbathe)
b I expect she......until she gets badly burnt - that's what she did last year.
5 a/ Don't make too much noise after midnight – I.......soundly, I hope.
b/ Wake me up by nine o'clock – I.......long enough by then, (sleep)
6 a/ We........Australia later this summer. It's a long flight, (fly)
b/ It's strange that when we get to Sydney, we......half way round the world.
7 a/ Look, I can give you a lift to the station - I...... that way anyway, (drive)
b/ You'll be late for your train - to the station if you like, (drive)

Good luck

Edité par bridg le 01-03-2005 13:53

Réponse: Future simple, future continuous.. de jardin62, postée le 01-03-2005 à 15:33:22 (S | E)
Bonjour felin!
1a- Will you take part in our play?...
1b- ...I suppose you will take part in the play this year.
2a- I'll be in London next year
2b- I'll have been in London for ten years...
3a- By Friday I will have finished...
3b- ...I will finish all of Marquez's novels.
4a- ...Maria will be sunbathing on a beach...
4b- I expect she will sunbathe until...
5a- ...I will be sleeping soundly...
5b- ...I will have slept long enough...
6a-...we'll fly...
6b- ...we'll have flown half way round the world
7a- ...I will have driven (will have been driving ) that way anyway.
7b- ...I'll drive you to the station if you like.
* merci felin; vers la fin, j'ai perdu les pédales...

Réponse: Future simple, future continuous.. de felin, postée le 01-03-2005 à 15:42:01 (S | E)
Bonjour Jardin

Vous avez fait 2 fautes

Réponse: Future simple, future continuous.. de jardin62, postée le 01-03-2005 à 15:51:05 (S | E)
si je commence, je suis perdue, je vais tout changer même là où c'est correct.
1a- Will you be taking part in our play?
4b- I expect she'll be sunbathing until...

Que de doutes! Maintenant, c'est 4 fautes!

Réponse: Future simple, future continuous.. de felin, postée le 01-03-2005 à 15:54:30 (S | E)
Bonjour Jardin

Non , non, non, ce n'est pas ca Vous avez deja 4 fautes oulala

:p 6

Pourriez vous faire svp exercices" correct et no" et a/an/ the and some , merci

Réponse: Future simple, future continuous.. de gewurz, postée le 01-03-2005 à 18:50:17 (S | E)
Bonsoir Felin,

Peux-tu donner le sens initialement voulu de ces phrases car la traduction en dépend :

1/a ...part in our play?
--> Veux-tu prendre part au match (will you take part)
--> Prendras-tu part au match (will you be taking part)

1/b I suppose you ... part in the play
--> je suppose que tu veux prendre part cette année (you will take part this year)
--> je suppose que tu prendras part cette année (you'll be taking part)



Réponse: Future simple, future continuous.. de grabuge, postée le 01-03-2005 à 19:18:41 (S | E)
Infatigable felin

1a/ Will you take

2 a/ will be.
b will be
3 a/ will have finished
b will finish
4 a/ will be sunbathing
b will sunbathe
5 a/ will be sleeping
b/ will have slept
6 a/ will fly
b/ fly
7 a/ will have driven
b/ will drive

Merci pour cette révision, ça fait du bien

Réponse: Future simple, future continuous.. de felin, postée le 03-03-2005 à 20:07:33 (S | E)
Bonsoir a tous

Voici la correction

1 a will you be taking part in our play? You're a really good actor, we need you!
b I know you're a keen member of the drama group. I suppose you’ll take or ’ll be taking part in the play this year,
2 a I’ll be in London next year, still doing the same old job.
b I’ll have been in London for ten years by next June,
3 a By Friday, I will have finished this new book by Marquez.
b If I don't have too much work this year, I think I’ll finish all of Marquez's
4 a This time tomorrow, Maria will be sunbathing on a beach in Majorca,
b I expect she will sunbathe until she gets badly burnt - that's what she did last year.
5 a Don't make too much noise after midnight – I’ll be sleeping soundly, I hope.
b Wake me up by nine o'clock – I will have slept long enough by then,
6 a We will fly Australia later this summer. It's a long flight,
b It's strange that when we get to Sydney, we will have flown half way round the world.
7 a Look, I can give you a lift to the station - I will be driving that way anyway,
b You'll be late for your train - I ‘ll drive you to the station if you like,

de votre participation.

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