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Message de morenita posté le 2004-10-11 01:41:03 (S | E | F | I)
Divide the following means of transport into three groups:
A.transport by air / water / C.on land
a submarine,a moped, an airship , a canoe , a rowing boat , a barge , a rocket , a liner , a jeep , a tram , a helicopter , a jet , a bus , a yacht , a glider , a hot air balloon

Réponse: re:Means of transport de bridg, postée le 2004-10-11 07:35:43 (S | E)
Hello morenita

a submarine => water
a moped =>by water
an airship =>by air
a canoe => by water
a rowing boat =>by water
a barge =>by water
a rocket =>by air
a liner =>by water
a jeep =>by water
a tram =>by water
a helicopter =>by air
a jet=>by air
a bus =>by water
a yacht =>by water
a glider =>by air
a hot air balloon =>by air

Réponse: re:Means of transport de pj, postée le 2004-10-11 10:53:40 (S | E)
a taxi
a shuttle
a lorry
a truck (US)
a van
a bicycle
a bike
a motorbike
subway (US)
a train
a plane
a boat
public transport
a ship

Réponse: re:Means of transport de elibarclo, postée le 2004-10-11 11:06:21 (S | E)
1°)by air =>airship, rocket,helicopter,jet, glider, hot air balloon 2°)by water=>submarine, canoe,rowing boat, barge,liner, yacht 3°)on land =>moped, jeep,tram , bus ; I think it's alright.

Réponse: re:Means of transport de babyscot59, postée le 2004-10-11 14:15:05 (S | E)
Zut, tout le monde a répondu avant moi

Vite un autre Quizz

Edité par bridg le 11-10-2004 15:33
In English please babyscott

Réponse: re:Means of transport de morenita, postée le 2004-10-11 17:23:10 (S | E)
good answers elibarclo
Bridg you made 4 mistakes

Réponse: re:Means of transport de morenita, postée le 2004-10-11 17:27:05 (S | E)
Thank you pj for adding another list,then it s my turn to give answers ,here they are: air : plane water : boat & ship
C.on land : taxi , lorry , truck , bicycle , bike , motorbike , metro , subway , train , van

Edité par morenita le 2004-10-11 17:51:12

Réponse: re:Means of transport de claire1, postée le 2004-10-14 20:23:55 (S | E)
hello Morenita
a submarine--->by water
a moped--->on land
an airship--->by air
a canoe--->by water
a rowing boat--->by water
a barge--->by water
a rocket--->by air
a liner--->by water
a jeep--->on land
a tram---> on land
a helicopter--->by air
a jet--->by air
a bus--->on land
a yatch--->by water
a glider--->by air
a hot air ballon---> by air

thanks a lot
you know I like your "pseudo "!!


Edité par claire1 le 2004-10-14 20:25:12



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