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Question tag/help

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Question tag/help
Message from zilazila posted on 10-10-2017 at 08:59:53 (D | E | F)
Would you please tell me which one is correct?
1-He has a book, hasn't he?
2-He has a book, doesn't he?
In advance, thank you.

Edited by lucile83 on 10-10-2017 09:44

Re: Question tag/help from floflor, posted on 10-10-2017 at 10:44:54 (D | E)
You will find an answer to your question by clicking on the following link: Link

Have a good day

Re: Question tag/help from lucile83, posted on 10-10-2017 at 11:08:15 (D | E)
Sorry but the link given above deals with a different grammatical point.
Here ...both sentences are correct.
1-He has a book, hasn't he? rather
2-He has a book, doesn't he? rather

Re: Question tag/help from tanias, posted on 10-10-2017 at 12:00:25 (D | E)
Hello Everybody.
I think he has a book, hasn't he? is the right answer. Because 'to have' is an auxiliary verb. We use 'to do' in the tag when the verb is not an auxiliary i tkink. For example,'He lives in Africa, doesn't he? 'He is african, isn't he?

Re: Question tag/help from sherry48, posted on 10-10-2017 at 20:30:45 (D | E)
Lucile is right. We Americans like our helping verbs, especially with present tense.
For other tenses, we use has instead of does.
For example: She has answered this question before, hasn't she?

Re: Question tag/help from neda, posted on 13-10-2017 at 18:32:33 (D | E)
Both are correct. As it's said before one is American English and the other is British English. But nowadays mostly doesn't or don't is used for the negative form of this verb. See you!

Re: Question tag/help from gerondif, posted on 16-10-2017 at 23:32:38 (D | E)
Normally, when to have is a lexical verb meaning to possess or to consume, it should use do, does, did.
Does he have a pet ? Yes, he does.
He has a cat, he doesn't have a dog.
He has a cat, doesn't he ?
He has coffee for breakfast, he doesn't have tea.
He always has a beer before dinner, doesn't he ?
You couldn't say:
He drinks tea, drinkn't he ?
He owns a car, ownn't he ?

To have a "yes, he has" answer, have must be an auxiliary verb with a past participle.
Has he got a cat ? Yes, he has.
Has he seen that film ? Yes, he has
He has got a cat, hasn't he ?
He has seen that film, hasn't he ?

But I heard in Scotland : Have you the time ? So, it could as well have been : You have the time, haven't you ?

Technically, your first example is wrong. But usage is a different matter.

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Forum > English only

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