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English at Uni/help

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English at Uni/help
Message from asovaran posted on 15-02-2018 at 04:56:31 (D | E | F)
Hi everyone
I'll start my first semester of uni, according to my English skill that is not good, I am worried about it.
How know the best way to improve my speaking skill in short term.
Kind Regards

Edited by lucile83 on 15-02-2018 07:55

Re: English at Uni/help from dsmith, posted on 15-02-2018 at 06:34:06 (D | E)
Hello asovaran,
Thanks for your post. You should practise speaking. There is a technique to become more fluent in speaking called "building up islands". Learn and practice speaking about a specific topic...learn the words and sentences necessary to speak on that topic alone. You can use wikipedia or other sources. Then practice another topic, etc.
Then you will know you can speak on those topics. Try to keep your conversations to those topics and you will sound fluent!

Good luck.

Re: English at Uni/help from lucile83, posted on 15-02-2018 at 07:59:52 (D | E)
Here are helpful links on this site: Link

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Forum > English only

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