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CV en anglais (1)

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CV en anglais

Message de guigui2212 posté le 26-08-2008 à 15:48:31 (S | E | F)

Bonjour à tous! J'aurai besoin de votre aide. J'ai rédigé mon CV en anglais, voyez vous des fautes ou des expressions incorrectes?
Merci par avance!

2008 - 09 ISC Business School Paris - Graduate School of Business Paris

2007 - 08 Management Degree - Panthéon-Assas University, Paris II

2005 - 07 Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Management - IUT of Sceaux (92)
Human Resources Speciality

2004 - 05 A Level (Economic and Social) - Samuel De Champlain High School, Chennevières (94)

Work Experience:

June - August 08 Training / Career planning Assistant (training period)
BNP Paribas - Bank
Staff satisfaction survey ; Organisation of a reception of Managers ; Setting up of training plan ; Setting up of a charter for training rooms using ; Management of training rooms and softwares ; Participation at career interviews ; Management of the diary of career interviews ; Priming of files and follow-up of interviews.

April - June 07 Assistant Recruiter (training period)
Adia - Recruitment Agency
Setting up of a Newsletter ; Contact of companies and schools; Selection of applications and execution of employment interview ; circulate job vacancies ; Management of key business indicators for the management committee.

June - July 06 Human Resources Assistant (training period)
Central Agency of Social Security Organisms (ACOSS)
Participation at the meeting of union representative and URSSAF ; Assistant of payroll department ; Management of time savings account ; Selection of applications ; Management of appraisal interview.

Others Work Experiences:
2007 - 2008 : Member of Interface, Junior Company of Panthéon-Assas University (Paris II)

2005 - 2007 : Counselor in Community Centers and Camps (Animation Capacity Diploma)

August 2006 : Waiter (seasonal work)
« La Bazenne » restaurant , Les Portes en Ré (17)

Special Skills:
Languages Basic German Basic Spanish

Softwares Mastery of Microsoft Office 2003 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Traineeship to Microsoft Project (Project Management)

Economic press reading ; Interest for the bourse ; Visit of museums and place of interest.
Driver’s licence

References available upon request

Thank you very much!

Réponse: CV en anglais de pashka, postée le 31-08-2008 à 18:46:51 (S | E)
j'ai fait plusieurs corrections, relis bien

2008 - 09 ISC Business School Paris - Graduate School of Business Paris

2007 - 08 Management Degree - Panthéon-Assas University, Paris II

2005 - 07 Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Management - IUT of Sceaux (92)
Human Resources Speciality

2004 - 05 A Level (Economic and Social) - Samuel De Champlain High School, Chennevières (94)

Work Experience:

June - August 08
Training / Career planning Assistant (training period)
BNP Paribas

Staff satisfaction survey ; Organisation of a reception for Managers ; Setting up of a training plan ; Setting up of a charter for training rooms usage ; Management of training rooms and softwares ; Participation in career interviews ; Management of the diary of career interviews ; Priming of files and follow-up of interviews.

April - June 07 Assistant Recruiter (training period)
Adia - Recruitment Agency
Setting up of a Newsletter ; Contact of companies and schools; Selection of applications and execution of employment interview ; circulate job vacancies (pas cLAIR ?); Management of key business indicators for the management committee.

June - July 06 Human Resources Assistant (training period)
Central Agency of Social Security Organisms (ACOSS)
Participation to the meeting of union representatives and URSSAF ; Assistant in the payroll department ; Management of time savings account ; Selection of applications ; Management of appraisal interview.

Others Work Experiences:
2007 - 2008 : Member of Interface, Junior Company of Panthéon-Assas University (Paris II)

2005 - 2007 : Counselor in Community Centers and Camps (Animation Capacity Diploma)

August 2006 : Waiter (seasonal work)
« La Bazenne » restaurant , Les Portes en Ré (17)

Special Skills:
Languages :Basic German, Basic Spanish, English ?

Mastery of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Traineeship to Microsoft Project (Project Management)

Economic press reading ; Interest for the bourse ; Visit of museums and place of interest.Driver’s licence pour quelle position postules tu ? ce n'est pas ce qu'il faut dire ici - plutôt sports, arts etc...
bourse : stock market !!

References available upon request

Modifié par pashka le 31-08-2008 18:47

Réponse: CV en anglais de beachgirl, postée le 01-09-2008 à 00:14:13 (S | E)
It is always better to use action verbs in a resume instead of nouns, e.g. participated in career interviews instead of participation in, managed training rooms and software instead of management of training rooms, contacted companies and schools, etc.

It also allows you to have consistency in the wording of the resume instead of a mix of nouns and verbs in different forms. It allows prospective employers to get a quick and easy picture of what you DID. BTW, I work and live in the US and I spend quite a bit of time screening applicants to various jobs.

Good luck.

Réponse: CV en anglais de appatch, postée le 01-09-2008 à 12:14:30 (S | E)

j'aimerais que vous vérifier aussi mon CV que j'ai en Aglais pour corriger les fautes

FIRST NAMES : Appatcho Marie-Laure
 : 07 15 35 29 / 01 61 68 13
DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH : born on October 05th, 1982 in Katiola
NATIONALITY : inhabitant of the Ivory Coast
MARITAL SITUATION : childless bachelor(single woman)

2007-2008 Higher Technician Diploma option Bilingual Executive Secretary ship
2002-2003 Baccalauréat A2


 reception of phone calls
 reception of visitors
 recording of incoming and outgoing mail
 Filing of documents
 Follow- up of the mail
 The organization of meetings
 Others

August 2006 – sept. 2006 Secretary trainee of the Economic Technical adviser of the Ministry of construction urbanism and housing

Oct. 2006- Sept 2007 Secretary of the Technical adviser in charge of the Town planning and the Land tax, the Ministry of construction urbanism and housing

Oct. 2007 Secretary of the (Manager) to the Office of Formation IMAFOR

Nov. 2007 à ce jour Secretary of the Cabinet director Assistant of the Ministry of construction urbanism and housing


LANGUAGES : FRENCH : speak and write Excellent
ENGLISH : speak and write Moyen
SPANISH : speak and write Niveau scolaire

HOBBINGS : Sport (swimming) – reading – travels – Music - Dances.


WORD : Excellent Knowledge
EXCEL : Excellent Knowledge


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