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Simple/ complex

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Simple/ complex
Message from mohammad51 posted on 11-02-2020 at 14:20:51 (D | E | F)
Please,could you help me with these sentences ?
Thank you in advance.

simple sentence or compound ?
1. Nineteenth-century American scenes and customs were recorded and preserved by the firm of Currier and Ives.
2. Nathaniel Currier was a printer, and James Ives was an executive.
3. The two men produced “prints for the people.
4. Currier favored current events; he produced prints of ships, battles, and news events.
5. Ives had broader interests and generally favored country scenes.

My answers :
1. simple even two subjects
( No dependent clause , No two independent clauses ) two verbs joined by " and"
2. compound ( two independent )
3. simple clear though " for " is used to join two independent clauses ( FANBOYS)
4. also simple although " and" is used, it talks about one idea.
5. This I am suspected with it seems simple to understood, but also possible ( compound),
because perhaps to place ( He) after and ( and he generally favored country scenes ) ?
Omitting the subject ( not necessary to repeat )
What do you say? I wait your answers.

Re: Simple/ complex from mohammad51, posted on 14-02-2020 at 07:59:53 (D | E)
Three days or four days I wait and my question is never answered.
However, perhaps none has free time.
Let me this time I myself answer my questions.
1. Nineteenth-century American scenes and customs were recorded and preserved by the firm of Currier and Ives.
2. Nathaniel Currier was a printer, and James Ives was an executive.
3. The two men produced “prints for the people.
4. Currier favored current events; he produced prints of ships, battles, and news events.
5. Ives had broader interests and generally favored country scenes.
Answers :
1. simple
2. compound ( two independent sentences) Joined by and
3. simple ( only one independent sentence )
4. compound ( I didn't notice the semicolon first ) I am sorry
5. simple it tells about one idea
I admit you helped me many times.

Thank you all.

Re: Simple/ complex from lucile83, posted on 14-02-2020 at 16:34:26 (D | E)

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Forum > English only

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